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Block Multitenant Resources [MTB-PL1-BC-CPI-2]

Profile Applicability:





Tenant Isolation


Each tenant namespace may contain resources setup by the cluster administrator for multi-tenancy, such as role bindings, and network policies. Tenants should not be allowed to modify the namespaced resources created by the cluster administrator for multi-tenancy. However, for some resources such as network policies, tenants can configure additional instances of the resource for their workloads.


Tenants can escalate priviliges and impact other tenants if they are able to delete or modify required multi-tenancy resources such as namespace resource quotas or default network policy.


The resources managed by the cluster administrator and that cannot be modified by tenant administrator can be identified by a label configured in the benchmarks configuration YAML file. If no label is provided, then this test looks for any existing network policy and role binding (resource quotas are handled by a separate test) and tries to modify and delete them. Run the following commands to retrieve the list of resources managed by the cluster administrator

kubectl --kubeconfig=cluster-admin -n a1 get all -l =

For each returned by the first command verify that the resource cannot be modified by the tenant administrator: kubectl --dry-run=true --kubeconfig=tenant-a -n a1 annotate key1=value1

Each command must return 403 FORBIDDEN