🌟 Super light and easy automatic JSON to model mapper
- Finish writing
- Ability to map
- Ability to convert model back to dictionary
"total_count": 176552,
"incomplete_results": false,
"items": [
class GithubRepository: NSObject, Mappable {
var id : String = ""
var name : String = ""
var body : String = ""
var url : String = ""
var photo : String = ""
var createdAt : Date?
class GithubSearch: NSObject, Mappable {
var total : Int = 0
var items : [GithubRepository] = []
The mapFromDictionary
property lets you customize the properties mappings. You can also access nested values within dictionaries and arrays (example: emails.0.address
var mapFromDictionary: [String : String] {
return [
"body" : "description",
"photo" : "owner.avatar_url",
"createdAt" : "created_at"
The mapFromDictionaryTypes
property let's you customize the type of the JSON property (only for optionals). If you have other Swift structures that you need to use, just extend them using the Mappable
var mapFromDictionaryTypes: [String : Mappable.Type] {
return [
"createdAt" : Date.self
For instance createdAt
is of type Date
and the JSON property is of type String
. In order to convert the String
to a Date
type, just extend it using the Mappable
protocol and it will automatically know to convert and set the value to the model.
extension Date: Mappable {
init?(from: Any) {
if let value = from as? String {
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH':'mm':'ss'Z'"
if let date = formatter.date(from: value) {
self.init(timeIntervalSince1970: date.timeIntervalSince1970)
You can now populate your model from the generic dictionary that comes from your network layer. Happy coding :)
Alamofire.request(APIURL).responseJSON { (response) in
if let dictionary = response.result.value as? KeyValue {
self.feed = GithubSearch(dictionary)
There's still work to do here! Our goal is to speed up development times, making JSON mapping easy as 1-2-3. We would love to see you involved in this project!