The Complaint Management System is a comprehensive web application designed to handle customer complaints efficiently. Built with ASP.NET Core 6.0, Identity Core, C#, and EF Code First approach, this application offers a robust solution for managing and reporting customer issues. It features a modern, responsive UI, and includes functionalities for complaint management, reporting, and user management.
Complaint/Issue Management: Create, update, delete, and manage complaints with an intuitive interface. User Management: Admin users can manage and monitor all users and their complaints. Reporting: Generate detailed reports including Complaint Status Summary and Assigned To Summary. Role-Based Access Control: Different access levels for Admin and Complaint Raise Users. Notifications: Receive updates and notifications for complaint status changes. File Attachments: Attach and manage files related to complaints. PDF Export: Print or download complaints as PDF files. Dynamic UI: Responsive design with modern UI elements. User Login History: Track user login and logout history. SMTP Configuration: Manage email notifications through the admin panel. Technologies Frontend: AdminLTE 3.0.5, JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap 4, SweetAlert, Toastr, FontAwesome Backend: ASP.NET Core 6.0, C#, Entity Framework Core (Code First) Database: Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Development Environment: Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 or later Prerequisites Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 or later .NET Core 6.0 Microsoft SQL Server 2017 IIS Chrome or Edge Browser Getting Started Step 1: Setup Unzip the downloaded file ( Open the solution file (Sln.ComplaintMngSys.sln) with Visual Studio 2022. Step 2: Configure Database Connection Open appsettings.json.
json Copy code "connMSSQL": "Server=YOUR_SQL_SERVER_NAME;Database=ComplaintMngSys;User ID=YOUR_SQL_SERVER_USER_NAME;Password=YOUR_SQL_SERVER_USER_PASSWORD;MultipleActiveResultSets=true" Step 3: Build and Run Build the application by pressing F6.
Run the application by pressing F5.
Access the application at https://localhost:44374/.
The necessary tables and initial data will be created dynamically as the application runs.
Step 4: Browse the Application Explore the application and familiarize yourself with its features and modules.
Complaint/Issue Management Module Application Setting Module Reporting Module User Roles Admin User: Full access to manage and configure the system, including complaint categories, status, priorities, user management, and reporting. Complaint Raise User: Ability to create, manage, and track complaints, including file attachments, comments, and status updates. Key Features Dynamic Complaint Management: Create and manage complaints with attachments and comments. Reporting: Generate detailed reports for ongoing issues and user assignments. User Management: Admin can monitor and manage user activities and complaints. Responsive UI: Modern and user-friendly interface. Role-Based Access: Controlled access based on user roles. File Management: Attach and manage files related to complaints. Notifications: Receive updates on complaint status changes. PDF Export: Print or download complaints as PDF files. Customizable Settings: Manage company branding and SMTP settings from the admin panel. Login History: Track user login and logout history. DB Migration Run database migration tools via NuGet Package Manager to update the database schema.
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Support For any issues or support requests, please contact the system administrator or refer to the documentation.