This section stores a few simple scripts to initialise the database used by the Bus2Go application, from where the basic data for transit is stored. For the moment, the data is from the STM and Exo.
If you are using Windows, enable permission to run powershell scripts.
For linux users, ensure the script is executable by running:
chmod u+x
The script for linux should be ran under bash. Before using the script for linux, be sure to initialise the right $path and $project variables either inside the
To initialise all the databases, run this command (for windows):
./initall.ps1 [<agency-name>] [--no-download | -help]
or this command (for linux):
./ [<agency-name>] [--no-download | --help]
The --no-download flag is used to only initialise the databases, without downloading the required data (assuming that they have already been downloaded).