# api call: /api/{service}/user/{user_id}?o={chunk}
# chunk starts at 0 and incriments by 25
# returns a list of post data (see POSTS)
# api call: /api/{service}/user/{user_id}/post/{post_id}
# returns a dictionary of the post data
post # dict
['title'] # str
['added'] # str, datetime object
['edited'] # str, datetime object
['id'] # str
['user'] # str
['published'] # str, datetime object
['attachments'] # list of dict
['name'] # str
['path'] # str
['file'] # dict
['name'] # str
['path'] # str
['content'] # str, html
['shared_file'] # bool
['embed']: # dict
['description'] # str
['subject'] # str
['url'] # str
# api call: /api/discord/channels/lookup?q={sercer_id}
# returns a list of dictionaris contaning channel names and ids
channel # dict
['id'] # str
['name'] # str
# api call: /api/discord/channel/{channel_id}?skip={skip}
# skip starts at 0 and incriments by 10
# returns a list of dictionaries contaning each posts data
post # dict
['added'] # str, datetime object
['attachments'] # list of dict
['isImage'] # str
['name'] # str
['path'] # str
['author'] # dict
['avatar'] # str
['discriminator'] # str
['id'] # str
['public_flags'] # int
['username'] # str
['channel'] # str
['content'] # str, html
['edited'] # ???
['embeds'] # list of dict
['description'] # str
['thumbnail'] # dict
['height'] # int
['proxy_url'] # str
['url'] # str
['width'] # int
['title'] # str
['type'] # str
['url'] # str
['id'] # str
['mentions'] # list of dict
['avatar'] # str
['discriminator'] # str
['id'] # str
['public_flags'] # int
['username'] # str
['published'] # str, datetime object
['server'] # str
# api call: /api/creators
# returns a list of dictionaries of user data
creator # dict
['id'] # str
['indexed'] # str
['name'] # str
['service'] # str
['updated'] # str
# api all: /api/favorites?type={type}
# type can be post or artist
# (artist) returns a list of dictionaries with user data
favorite_user # dict
['faved_seq'] # int
['id'] # str
['indexed'] # str, datetime object
['name'] # str
['service'] # str
['updated'] # str, datetime object
# (post) returns a list of dictionaries with post data
favorite_post # dict, same as post
['faved_seq'] # int