feed-watch is a highly configurable lightweight module for watching/emitting changes in rss feeds.
You can install feed-watch by using:
npm install feed-watch
A basic feed-watch can be implemented as follows:
import FeedWatch, { FeedConfig, FeedItem, FeedItemEvent } from 'feed-watch';
const feedWatch = new FeedWatch();
const myUidGenerator = (feedItem: FeedItem) => `${feedItem.guid}`;
const feed: FeedConfig = {
name: 'my-feed',
url: '<my-feed-url>',
refreshRateInSecs: 100,
skipInitialList: false, // set this to true if you do not want events for the initial set of items.
uidGenerator: null; // takes in a fuction that returns a unique string for every feed item, used to de-dupe
// make sure that this can uniquely identify an item in the feed.
parserOpts: {}; // config options for feed-parser
requestOpts: { // config options for axios
headers: {
'user-agent': '<user-agent-string>'
feedWatch.on('error', (err) => {
feedWatch.on('item', ({ feed, item }: FeedItemEvent) => {
console.log(feed, item);