Health API design specification, specifies the standard to perform API health check through an API end point (/health) of a Restful Web Service.
To conform to the Health API design spec, the Restful API should support the below:
HTTP Method: GET
URL: /health
Parameters : mode
Parameter Values: quick, full.
The Restful API should expose a HTTP GET, /health end point.
The API can take a single query parameter, mode, which can take the below values:
quick : Used to check the health of critical dependent components that are must have.
full : Used to check the health of all the components. Health check mode is full by default.
HTTP Status Code:
API by default must return 200 OK HTTP status code.
The API response body is a JSON object with the following fields:
- verifications - Required array of the following JSON objects:
- verificationType - Required string field which provides short description of verification.
- verificationDescription - Optional string field which provides long description of verification.
- isSuccessful - Required boolean field which indicates verification result.
- errorDetails - Optional string field which provides error details in case of verification failure.
- overallSuccess - Required boolean field which indicates overall success of verifications.
- name - Optional string field which provides application name.
- buildVersion - Optional string field which provides application version.
- time - Optional string field which provides current time in ISO 8601 format.
- executionTimeInMilliseconds - Optional string field which provides total execution time of the health check in milliseconds.
- runBookUrl - Optional string field which provides URL to service runbook.
"verifications": [
"verificationType": "database_connection_check",
"isSuccessful": true,
"elapsedTimeInMilliSeconds": 209,
"verificationDescription": "Database query succeeded.",
"errorDetails": null
"verificationType": "another_api_check",
"isSuccessful": true,
"elapsedTimeInMilliSeconds": 200,
"verificationDescription": "Another API call returned 200.",
"errorDetails": null
"overallSuccess": true,
"name": "Example API",
"buildVersion": "",
"time": "2016-12-05T16:46:05.5273163+00:00",
"executionTimeInMilliseconds": 3618,
"runBookUrl": ""