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Dart Flutter

Roadmap to becoming a Flutter Developer in 2024.

🗺️ Flutter Roadmap — 2024

There is no specific roadmap to learn Flutter So any sources included in this roadmap are personal recommendations. You can choose one or more sources if you wish, or you can search for other sources.



Important Note

Install flutter and dart






🚀 let's start our journey to learn flutter, I will divide the roadmap into different levels

  • If you know any one programming language like C#, or Java then you can grasp Dart within two to three days.
  • else you will need to study dart well and solve some problems then you will Learn.

🎯 What is Dart?

  • Dart is an object-oriented programming language with C-style syntax.
  • It is open-source developed by Google and released in 2011.
  • The purpose of Dart programming is to create frontend user interfaces for:
    • Mobile (Android & IOS) apps.
    • Web apps.
    • Desktop (Windows & MacOS & Linux) apps.

📌 What is flutter?

  • Flutter is a UI toolkit for creating fast, beautiful, natively compiled mobile applications with one programming language and a single codebase, This means you can use one programming language and one codebase to create two different apps (for iOS and Android).
  • It is an open-source development framework developed by Google and released in May 2017. Generally, Flutter is not a language; it is an SDK(Software Development Kit).
  • Flutter apps use Dart programming language for creating an app.
  • Flutter is mainly optimized for 2D mobile apps that can run on both Android and iOS platforms. We can also use it to build full-featured apps, including camera, storage, geolocation, network, third-party SDKs, and more.

Important Note

🧠: Flutter is considered technology, and it is important to know that any technology can change and better technology may come over time. So, to be ready for this, you must learn science. This will help you adapt to the emergence or disappearance of any technology because you will learn it easily. Therefore, you must learn science parallel to technology after completing Dart.

Conclusion: Learn Dart, then Flutter with Science

Install flutter and dart



Work with any of them My preference would be for VS code


1. Basics

  • Variables
  • Data types (int, double, Strings, boolean, etc...)
  • Data collection (List, Map, etc...)
  • Control Flow Statement (conditions, loops)
  • Functions (parameters & their types)
  • Operators.
  • Extensions

2. Null safety

  • Principle.
  • Types.
  • Operators.


3. Asynchronous programming

  • Future Vs. Stream
  • Keywords (async, await)

4. OOP

  • Object-Oriented Concepts (Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Inheritance).
    • Classes & Objects (instances)
    • Constructors
    • Getters & Setters
    • Overriding
    • Keywords (static, super, this, implements, extends, etc...)
  • Class Modifiers
  • Enum


If you are a beginner, and you don’t know any OOP concepts watch Mosh video about OOP concepts in general : OOP in 7 minutes..



Official docs


After finishing the previous topics, you can be able to start learning flutter, but it's important to learn the next topics

5. SOLID Principles

The SOLID Principles are five principles of Object-Oriented class design. They are a set of rules and best practices followed while designing a class structure.

  • Single Responsibility Principle. (SRP)
  • Open-closed principle. (OCP)
  • Liskov substitution principle. (LSP)
  • Interface segregation principle. (ISP)
  • Dependency inversion principle (DIP)



6. Clean Code

A programmer can write code, a better programmer can write clean code

Why should you learn..?

  • To make your code readable
  • To make your code flexible
  • To make your code testable
  • To make your code maintainable

What will you Learn..?

  • How to tell the difference between good and bad code.
  • How to write good code and how to transform bad code into good code.
  • How to create good names, good functions, good objects, and good classes.
  • How to format code for maximum readability.
  • How to implement complete error handling without obscuring code logic.
  • How to unit test and practice test-driven development (TDD).




1. Widgets & Ui

  • 1. Basics widgets:
    • Basic widgets like MaterialApp, Scaffold, AppBar, etc.
  • 2. Styling widgets:
    • Basic widgets to style a static UI like Text, Container, Row, Column, Asset Image, Network Image, Stack, etc.
  • 3. Use of Assets in pubspec.yaml:
    • Know how to use assets(image, video, SVG, images ) and how to add using pubspec.yaml file.
  • 4. Types Of Widgets (StatelessWidget vs StatefulWidget):
    • Know the difference between stateless and stateful widgets.
  • 5. Navigation & Route:
    • Know how to navigate to the next screen and back to the previous and how to create routes.



Short Videos

Help you when learning flutter

Official docs


After finishing the previous topics, you can be able to create beautiful static user interfaces, but you should learn the next topics to build a real-world projects.

2. Database

  • Types of database
    1. SQL
    2. NoSQL


1. SQL - Relational databases

2. NoSQL - non-relational databases

3. Firebase

  • Firebase is an app development platform that helps you build and grow apps and games users love.
  • Backed by Google and trusted by millions of businesses around the world.

Firebase Products

  • Accelerate app development with fully managed backend infrastructure

There are a lot of products, the following are the most important ones:

  1. Authenticaiton
  2. Cloud Firestore
  3. Storage
  4. Messaging
  5. App Distribution



4. API

If you want to use data live from the internet within your app you need to learn.

  • how to call REST API’s
  • make a Model for the request and response
  • Parsing JSON data into dart objects
  • HTTP requests.(post, delete, get, put)

There are some packages that help you deal with APIs

One Package is enough

  • Dio
  • HTTP
  • Retrofit



Official docs


5. State Management

The management and manipulation of data within an app to ensure that the user interface (UI) accurately reflects the current state of the application

One state management is enough (with setState)

1. Bloc & Cubit

2. Riverpod

3. GetX


After finishing the previous topics, you can be able to real-world projects, but it's important to learn the next topics to build flexible, testable, and maintainable projects

6. Architecture pattern

You can work with only one

Some of the prominent architectural patterns

  • Model-View-Presenter (MVP)
  • Model-View-Controller (MVC)
  • Model-View-Intent (MVI)
  • Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM)
  • Clean Architecture



7. Animation

Well-designed animations make a UI feel more intuitive, contribute to the slick look and feel of a polished app, and improve the user experience.



8. Map



9. Publish App

How To Publish Your App On Google Play Store and App Store?




1. Data Structures & Algorithms



2. Problem Solving



3. Design Patterns




Full Courses


  1. Grokky Algorithms
  2. Clean Code
  3. Good Code, Bad Code
  4. Head First OOAD
  5. Head First Design Patterns
  6. etc...

Free APIs You Can Use for Testing



What is next: 🧐

You will need to search and keep learning more and more...

Contact Me 📱