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This package contains classes that can be used as input types for Lambda functions that process Amazon API Gateway events.

API Gateway events consist of a request that was routed to a Lambda function by API Gateway. When this happens, API Gateway expects the result of the function to be the response that API Gateway should respond with. To see a more detailed example of this, take a look at the Amazon.Lambda.AspNetCoreServer file.



The APIGatewayProxyRequest class contains information relating to the proxy request coming from the Amazon API Gateway.

Sample Functions

The following is a sample class and Lambda function that receives Amazon API Gateway event record data as an input, writes some of the record data to CloudWatch Logs, and responds with a 200 status and the same body as the request. (Note that by default anything written to Console will be logged as CloudWatch Logs events.)

Function handler

public class Function
    public APIGatewayProxyResponse Handler(APIGatewayProxyRequest apigProxyEvent)
        Console.WriteLine($"Processing request data for request {apigProxyEvent.RequestContext.RequestId}.");
        Console.WriteLine($"Body size = {apigProxyEvent.Body.Length}.");
        var headerNames = string.Join(", ", apigProxyEvent.Headers.Keys);
        Console.WriteLine($"Specified headers = {headerNames}.");

        return new APIGatewayProxyResponse
            Body = apigProxyEvent.Body,
            StatusCode = 200,

Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc controller

In a AspNetCore controller, An instance of this interface is attached to any ControllerBase.Request.HttpContext instances via the Items property using the key "APIGATEWAY_REQUEST / APIGatewayRequest".

The following is an example of accessing an instance of this class in a controller method.

public class TestController : ControllerBase
    public IActionResult Get()
        Response.Headers.Add("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // NOTE: Should be configured via app.UseCors in Startup.cs

        var proxyRequest = (APIGatewayProxyRequest)Request.HttpContext.Items[APIGatewayProxyFunction.APIGATEWAY_REQUEST];
        var tmp = new
        return new OkObjectResult(tmp);