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userx edited this page Jan 7, 2016 · 22 revisions


The editor is used by site administrators to edit the contents of the Layer Toolbox. The contents of the editor and any changes made are stored in a JSON file that is used to build the Toolbox as well as define how the Map behaves when that layer is active.


Categories are the top level of the toolbox (eg: “Waterbirds”) and contain layers.



Layers are the fundamental component of the Toolbox and define a dataset that is to be accessed from CartoDB. Layers exist within a category and have several required fields (see below).

Layer Fields

field description
title (required) name that will be displayed in toolbox
group (required) group used for displaying multiple layers at the same time (this is NOT the section name that layers are displayed under in the toolbox. See “Categories” above)
type (required) options: layer, sublayer
layer is used for basic layers which do not belong to a group
subblayer is used for any layer which belongs to a group
key (required) the cartodb key used to identify a layer
hashtag simple hashtag used for links (this is primarily used to keep old links workings. It is not used when adding new layers.)
description details about the layer. May contain simple html
filters filters allow you to defined specific subsets of the layer which the user can sort by. This field contains a subcategory for each filter which have their own title and SQL fields (both fields are required for each filter you create).

The title is what is displayed in the toolbox and the SQL field is the actual SQL query string that will be interpreted by CartoDB to determine what portion of the original layer is returned.
fields to be added
link URL used for the “More info” link that is displayed below the description
centerlat, centerlon, zoom defined zoom to extent button and extent when page is opened using hashtag url. Ex.

zoom levels are integers from 3 to 18 where:
3 = Multiple continents
5 = United States
8 = State of Virginia
11 = City of Richmond, VA
14 = City of Williamsburg, VA
18 = Individual buildings
maxzoom limits map zoom when layer is active (useful for sensitive data layers, like certain states’ eagle roosts)



CartoDB description

##Accessing CartoDB

Log in to the CCB CartoDB account at

##Uploading Data

Data loaded into CartoDB produces a table. You can load data in a variety of formats includes Excel spreadsheets (xls), csv's, shapefiles (packed into a .zip) and more.

When you upload your data you will be able to name the table the data will reside in.


##Creating Visualizations

After uploading your data you can use the resulting table to create a visualization. Visualizations take data from a table (or multiple tables) and allow you style them with a range of features and options.


There are several methods for styling your vizualizations including categories which colors you data based on a specified field of the table the data is built from.

###Visualization Keys Visualization Keys are a unique ID’s for a visualization. You can find the key in the url of the visualization page in CartoDB (ex. key is in bold: This is what you use to tell the Editor which visualization to display (See the Editor’s “Layer Fields” above and the “Updating the Mapping Portal” section below to see how keys are used.

##Learning More About CartoDB CartoDB offers a range of documentation and tutorial material to help you make the best visualizations with your data. There is also a wealth of information on using CartoDB that can be found on various websites, blogs and forums. The CartoDB documentation ( is a great place to start.

##Testing Changes

CartoDB has a built-in map to allow you to view and test changes to your visualizations. If you want to test changes to an existing visualization without changing the data on the CCB Mapping Portal, simply duplicate the visualization. If you do not like the result you can delete the visualization, or if you would like to push the changes to the CCB Mapping Portal, you can do so in a few easy steps (see Updating Mapping Portal below).


##Updating the Mapping Portal

To update the Mapping Portal after making changes to a test visualization in CartoDB, you have two options. The first method is to update the visualization that is active in the Mapping Portal to match the test visualization you created. The second method is to replace the CartoDB key for the original visualization in the Editor with the CartoDB key for the new visualization (see Editor section above for details).

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