This example demonstrates distillation on CoNLL-2003 English NER task.
- : trains a treacher model (BERT-base-cased) on CoNLL-2003.
- : distills the teacher to T3.
- Transformers
- seqeval
Set the following variables in the shell scripts before running:
- BERT_MODEL : this is where BERT-base-cased stores, including vocab.txt, pytorch_model.bin, config.json
- OUTPUT_DIR : this directory stores model weights
- BERT_MODEL_TEACHER : this directory stores the trained teacher model weights (for distillation).
- data : this directory includes CoNLL-2003 dataset (contains train.txt, dev.txt and test.txt)
This example contains:
- Teacher Model training : ./
- Distillation to student model T3 : ./