We provide two reference alignments in RDF/XML format (http://alignapi.gforge.inria.fr/format.html) mapping the NASA Air Traffic Management Ontology (https://data.nasa.gov/ontologies/atmonto/) to AIRM-O:
- ReferenceAlignment-ATMONTO-AIRM-EQUIVALENCE.rdf: A reference alignment with equivalence relations only.
- ReferenceAlignment-ATMONTO-AIRM-SUBSUMPTION.rdf: A reference alignment with subsumption relations only.
Please cite this alignment using the following format:
Vennesland, A., Keller, R. M., Gringinger, E., Schuetz, C. G., Neumayr, B., Wilson, S., Gorman, J.: ATMONTO2AIRM -- A reference alignment between the NASA ATM Ontolgy and the ATM Information Reference Model Ontology, 2019. https://w3id.org/airm-o/atmonto2airm
We refer to the GitHub page for further information, including a human-readable representation of the reference alignment in tabular form as well as links to performance evaluation results of popular ontology matching systems.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.