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327 lines (232 loc) · 12.4 KB

File metadata and controls

327 lines (232 loc) · 12.4 KB

sequelize-auto change log

[0.8.7] - 2021-12-08

  • Don't write field comments for mssql, because it throws error in sequelize.sync() (#567)
  • Add --noIndexes option (#563)
  • Add --indentation command line option to control indent size (#561)
  • Append an underscore if model name is a reserved word (#562, #570)
  • Remove 'esmd' lang option and standardize 'useDefine' behavior
  • Remove dialect canAliasPK check for generating fieldnames. (#571) This was a workaround to a sequelize bug that has been fixed.
  • TypeScript: fix syntax for HasOneCreateAssociationMixin
  • TypeScript: make field optional if autoIncrement instead of primaryKey (#572)
  • Fix case-senstive column name when querying views in mysql (#579)
  • Fix field comparison casing (#576)
  • TypeScript: Make timestamp fields not required for creation (#577)
  • Support mysql 'year' type (#575)

[0.8.6] - 2021-12-01

  • Add useDefine option to use sequelize.define instead of init (#559, #573)

[0.8.5] - 2021-10-18

  • Add kebab-case for caseFile (#552) (thanks @Ray0427)
  • Add logic to skip fields while generating (#557) (thanks @dpomerantz-jci)
  • Make case of "alias" properties match other properties (#539) (thanks @Genaker)
  • Remove Model type import (#554) (thanks @leonardo)
  • Allow Primary Key suffixes to be passed in, to be trimmed when creating property names (#558) (thanks @dpomerantz-jci)
  • Fix handling of default value functions (#493, #548)
  • Use const instead of var in init-models for ES6 (#555)

[0.8.4] - 2021-08-06

  • Fix --noAlias option to never write aliases except for many-to-many relations (#515)
  • Add -l esmd for ES modules with "define" syntax instead of classes (#527) (thanks @retfah) (removed in 0.8.6 in favor of --useDefine)
  • Fix problem with paranoid not in output when additional.paranoid specified (#529)
  • Fix alias generation for column names that differ only by singular/plural (#533) (thanks @edwardmcarl)
  • Add Postgres types inet, cidr, macaddr and oid (#534)
  • Add TypeScript type for jsonb | json (#541) (thanks @HussainMehdi)
  • Fix TypeScript optional fields and CreationAttributes (#543 #546) (thanks @kurochin143)

[0.8.3] - 2021-05-15

  • Fix generation of alias in many-to-many (#521)
  • Add --noInitModels flag (#519)
  • Fix duplicate alias in many-to-many relationships (#520)
  • Fix erroneous many-to-many relationship with composite foreign keys (#525)
  • Add --noAlias option to avoid making alias for relationships (#515)
  • Add tests

[0.8.2] - 2021-03-31

  • TypeScript: fix imports when esModuleInterop is false (#498)
  • mssql: Make varchar(max) be DataTypes.TEXT (#508)
  • Fix name collision when plural and singular are the same (#509)
  • Fix missing associations (#510 and #512)
  • TypeScript: remove cast "as typeof Model" in belongsToMany, for compatibility with Sequelize 6.6.2 (#511)
  • mysql: Treat tinyint(1) as boolean (#514)
  • Update devDependencies

[0.8.1] - 2021-03-09

  • Allow password to be supplied from terminal (#503) (thanks @zypA13510)
  • Fix autoIncrement for SQLite (#504)
  • TypeScript: make field optional with "?" if it has a defaultValue (#505)
  • BREAKING CHANGE: command-line options always take precedence over config file options
  • BREAKING CHANGE: tables and skipTables options on command line are now space-separated (instead of comma-separated) lists
  • BREAKING CHANGE: drop support of node version less than 10

[0.8.0] - 2021-02-25

  • Add alias name to belongsToMany associations (#500)
  • Fix references to remove schema, seems unnecessary (#501)
  • Let host, database, username, and password be set via config file (#482) (thanks @twastvedt)
  • Update dependencies

[0.7.11] - 2021-02-09

  • Fix precision & scale for mssql DECIMAL types
  • Write mssql NUMERIC as DECIMAL instead of DOUBLE (#496)
  • Fix ENUM datatype for mysql
  • Sort relations by [parent, child] in init-models.ts
  • Update README to show alias in associations

[0.7.10] - 2021-02-03

  • Fix explicit NULL default values in mssql (#491) (thanks @md-shah)
  • Fix relation alias uniqueness (#489)
  • Add handling for Postgres range types (#490)
  • Make id field primaryKey if no other primaryKey exists (#480)

[0.7.9] - 2021-01-29

  • Fix schema handling and case errors in relations
  • Fix generation of relationships for mysql (#488)
  • Fix CRLF line breaks in bin/sequelize-auto (#487, #475, #462)

[0.7.8] - 2021-01-23

  • Make information_schema queries uppercase for mssql (#486)
  • Move meta queries from dialect-options to dialect-specific files
  • Create relations based on properties and alias instead of model names (#483, #466)

[0.7.7] - 2021-01-16

  • Escape special characters in default value (#476) (thanks @divinebovine)
  • Quote strings in Postgres array default values (#474)
  • Support both Postgres and Mysql enums (#479) (thanks @JonathanWolfe)
  • Use autoIncrementIdentity for Postgres identity columns (#485) (thanks @AdamAld)

[0.7.6] - 2020-12-17

  • Fix postgres array of enum (#463)
  • Fix init-models for ES6 modules (#464) (thanks @djake)
  • Fix examples in README (#465) (thanks @brandomeniconi)
  • Fix bug parsing comments as field type (#471)
  • TypeScript - add missing create/remove/has association methods (#467) (thanks @mat813)
  • TypeScript - don't lowercase the enum values (#468) (thanks @JonathanWolfe)
  • TypeScript - get/set DATE and TIME types as string instead of date (#469) (thanks @JonathanWolfe)

[0.7.5] - 2020-12-05

  • Add --singularize option, to singularize model and file names from plural table names
  • TypeScript - add association get/set/add/remove/has/count/create mixing methods to TypeScript models (#453) (thanks @mat813)
  • TypeScript - Add TableId and TablePk to model definitions (#453) (thanks @mat813)
  • Fix autoIncrement for generated keys in Postgres (#459 and #460) (thanks @divinebovine)
  • Cast through class to Model instead of any (#454) (thanks @mat813)
  • Fix postgres enum types broken in 0.7.2 (#455)

[0.7.4] - 2020-12-01

  • TypeScript - only declare properties optional (with ?) when field is nullable (#450) (thanks @mat813)
  • TypeScript - add the ModelCreationAttributes to the generated files (#451) (thanks @mat813)
  • TypeScript - add not-null assertions (with !) for fields
  • Put belongsToMany relationships first in init-models (#449)
  • Set noWrite = true when directory == false (#447)

[0.7.3] - 2020-11-29

  • Fix autoIncrement for non-key fields in Postgres (#446 and #448)
  • Remove obsolete dependencies async and graceful-fs-extra

[0.7.2] - 2020-11-19

  • Add enum support for TypeScript types (#443) (thanks @JonathanWolfe)
  • Make init-modules ts version compliant with --isolatedModules (#444) (thanks @JonathanWolfe). This is a BREAKING CHANGE because --lang ts output now requires TypeScript >= 3.8
  • Fix geometry/geography types in Postgres (#445)

[0.7.1] - 2020-11-05

  • Fix foreignKey property in belongsTo (#369)
  • Add belongsToMany when junction has 2 foreign keys that are also primary keys (#34)

[0.7.0] - 2020-11-03

  • Add belongsTo/hasOne/hasMany to initModels (#34) (#61) (#65) (#82) (#215) (#369)
  • Add precision to DECIMAL, DOUBLE, and FLOAT types
  • Add element type to Postgres ARRAY data types and TypeScript definitions (#151)

[0.6.7] - 2020-11-01

  • Fix "Assignment to constant" error introduced in 0.6.6 (#440) (thanks @xuezier)
  • Add support for generating models from views, --views option (#77)

[0.6.6] - 2020-10-30

  • Add indexes to table options (#162)
  • BREAKING CHANGE Change es6/esm/ts flags to lang option
  • Add JSDoc commments to type declarations
  • Add DataTypes.UUIDV4 default for postgres (#155) (thanks @roytz)

[0.6.5] - 2020-10-26

  • Escape special chars in table comments (#439)
  • Map mysql longtext/mediumtext/tinytext to DataTypes.TEXT
  • Export SequelizeAuto types in npm package (#140)

[0.6.4] - 2020-10-15

  • Export attributes interface for TypeScript files
  • Generate init-model.js file for loading models into sequelize
  • Add support for mysql date & time precision (thanks @locene)
  • Infer timestamps flag based on presence of createdAt/updatedAt field in tables
  • Change default indentation to 2 spaces
  • Add sample app; see sample directory
  • Fix quoting of table names in sqlite foreign keys query

[0.6.3] - 2020-10-05

  • Fix TypeScript generation (thanks @sschwenker)

[0.6.2] - 2020-09-28

  • Fix #TABLE# placeholder left in ES6 output, issue #432 (thanks @fprijate)
  • Fix command line config arguments, issue #434 (thanks @fprijate)
  • Fix schema comparison when filtering tables, issue #431

[0.6.1] - 2020-09-21

  • Fix default values for Postres Array types, issue #426
  • Fix multi-field unique constraints, issue #347 and #408
  • Fix tableResult properties, PR #429
  • Fix quotes in datatype names, issue #100
  • Catch promise rejections in auto-builder

[0.6.0] - 2020-09-17

  • BREAKING CHANGE Change API to Promises instead of callbacks
  • Rewrite source code in TypeScript, add build step
  • Fix default value for Postgres JSON types, issue #426
  • Omit sysdiagrams from mssql tables
  • Update dependencies

[0.5.4] - 2020-08-27

  • Fix handling case sensitive collation in MSSQL, issue #416 (thanks @karpikpl)
  • Fix missing autoIncrement attribute due to schema clash, issue #419 (thanks @marcelopc)
  • BREAKING CHANGE Separate options for controlling case of output objects: caseModel, caseFile, caseProp, issue #413
  • Remove eslint from model generation, move into generate test, issue #425
  • Remove test files from npm package, using "files" option instead of .npmignore, issue #418

[0.5.3] - 2020-07-21

  • Fix filtering by tables|skipTables broken in 0.5.1, issue #409
  • Improve validation of command-line arguments -c,-a, issue #146 #213 #241
  • Fix travis build

[0.5.2] - 2020-07-16

  • Fix quotes in comments, #190
  • Fix defaultValue for boolean and number types, #225 and #386
  • Fix default value for CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and mssql functions
  • Fix unique attribute, #169
  • Fix autoIncrement for sqlite, #209

[0.5.1] - 2020-07-10

  • Fix export default in esm output (thanks @vykuntaharsha)
  • Fix missing comma after autoIncrement
  • Don't output comment if empty
  • Add hasTrigger support #217 (thanks @joaoe)
  • Fix check constraints when gathering foreign key info for mssql (thanks @joaoe)
  • Fix mysql views generation #354 (thanks @joaoe)
  • Fix schema support, #348 #350 (thanks @joaoe and @dlredden)
  • Add tests for cross-schema foreign keys (thanks @dlredden)
  • Add tests for snake_case table names -> UpperCamelCase model names

[0.5.0] - 2020-07-03

  • Add UpperCamelCase option (thanks @marshalys)
  • Document existing camelCase option (thanks @murfett-au)
  • Fix postgres dialect foreign key query to support Postgres 12
  • Update compatibility to Sequelize v5 & v6 (thanks @createthis @mrbichel @naren7229)
  • Fix "c.extra" in mysql foreign keys query (thanks @bkolla-ft and @jeongjuwon)
  • Fix support for double type (thanks @wen911119)
  • Add support for closeConnectionAutomatically (thanks @allnulled)
  • Fix schema name join in mysql foreign keys query (thanks @yujunlong2000)
  • Add schema to generated files (thanks @THAlpha)
  • Add arg "l", output language, values es5|es6|esm|ts (thanks @threem0126)
  • Add HSTORE data type (thanks @roytz)
  • Fix tedious warnings for trustServerCertificate and enableArithAbort
  • Fix support for mssql: nchar, nvarchar, money, varbinary types

[0.4.29] - 2017-10-23


  • Sets DATEONLY for DATE types
  • Fix typescript, add missing option for camelcase filenames...
  • Fixes JSONB support
  • Fixes TIMESTAMP support

[0.4.28] - 2017-04-22


  • Fixes for timestamps fields
  • Fixes current_time code error

[0.4.27] - 2017-04-05


  • Fixes schema support

[0.4.26] - 2017-04-05


  • The defaultValue is now escape'd
  • Boolean/Bit columns are now fixed for MSSQL


  • Adds schema support for postgres with the s flag.

[0.4.25] - 2017-03-20


  • Adds unique support for postgres, mysql, and mariadb.


  • Fixes foreign key and unique columns.

[0.4.24] - 2017-03-20


  • Adds support for UNSIGNED and ZEROFILL MySQL columns.

[0.4.23] - 2017-03-20


  • Adds schema support for postgres databases.
  • Directory output is now fixed for commands containing a config file as well.
  • Default port number has been added for postgres.
  • Mssql should now properly identify auto increment and foreign key columns.

[0.4.22] - 2017-03-20


  • Sqlite will now properly set the storage option to the database value if no storage option is set.