This project shows realtime astronomical info, and overlays constellations & planet positions on allsky images from Ho Koon Nature Education cum Astronomical Centre, Hong Kong. The panel is updated every 30s by matplotlib and uploaded to specific Dropbox directory (external rclone setting would be required).
Most of the astronomical calculations are done with help of Skyfield.
- realtime constellations, planets, sun and moon positions overlaid on allsky images monitoring cloud coverage over Ho Koon sky
- moon symbol flips according to its relative positve with sun
- moonphase, with equatorial and selenographic cardinal points marked, is always shown with zenith upwards, matching the orientation when you look up in the sky
- jovian moons configuration along celestial equator
- mercury and venus phases, of which orientation is along celestial equator, and their cooresponding distance from the sun; AVOID looking at mersury and venus when they are too close to the sun
- rough estimation of cloud coverage, tile color indicating transparency of the no cloud area, if any
- ephemeris showing rise & set times of the celestial objects, astronomical twlight moments are also included
- 24hr-plot showing the change of air temperature and cloud coverage over past 24hrs
- temperature, relative humidity, UV intensity and weather condition from Hong Kong Observatory
- sunspot no. from SILSO
20211012 - text outline updated