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BLAS Wrapper Structs

Document of BLAS wrappers is on-going work.

Terms of the following table is

  • Prototype: Prototype of BLAS wrappers.
    • For users, prototype is NOT designed to be used by API caller. One may wish to call generic structs (such as GEMM<F>) or directly call specialization (such as DGEMM).
    • For documents and structure of BLAS wrapper, please refer to hyperlinks of prototype (on We also refer LAPACK document.
  • Num Trait: Trait bound that could be applied on generics.
  • Generic: Generic structs of BLAS wrapper. This is designed to be called by API user. For example of GEMM<F>, this is type alias of GEMM_Builder<F>.
  • Specialization: Specialization structs of BLAS wrapper. This is designed to be called by API user, and have the same subroutine name to (legacy) BLAS.


  • symm: Symmetric
  • hermi: Hermitian
  • tri: Triangular

Level 3 BLAS

BLAS Prototype Num Trait Generic f32 f64 c32 c64 Description
gemm [GEMM_<F>] [GEMMNum] [GEMM<F>] [SGEMM] [DGEMM] [CGEMM] [ZGEMM] general matrix-matrix multiply
symm [SYMM_<F>] [SYMMNum] [SYMM<F>] [SSYMM] [DSYMM] [CSYMM] [ZSYMM] symm matrix-matrix multiply
hemm [HEMM_<F>] [HEMMNum] [HEMM<F>] [CHEMM] [ZHEMM] hermi matrix-matrix multiply
syrk [SYRK_<F>] [SYRKNum] [SYRK<F>] [SSYRK] [DSYRK] [CSYRK] [ZSYRK] symm rank-k update
herk [HERK_<F>] [HERKNum] [HERK<F>] [CHERK] [ZHERK] hermi rank-k update
syr2k [SYR2K_<F>] [SYR2KNum] [SYR2K<F>] [SSYR2K] [DSYR2K] [CSYR2K] [ZSYR2K] symm rank-2k update
her2k [HER2K_<F>] [HER2KNum] [HER2K<F>] [CHER2K] [ZHER2K] hermi rank-2k update
trmm [TRMM_<F>] [TRMMNum] [TRMM<F>] [STRMM] [DTRMM] [CTRMM] [ZTRMM] tri matrix-matrix multiply
trsm [TRSM_<F>] [TRSMNum] [TRSM<F>] [STRSM] [DTRSM] [CTRSM] [ZTRSM] tri matrix-matrix solve

Level 3 BLAS (extensions)

BLAS Prototype Num Trait Generic f32 f64 c32 c64 Description
gemmt [GEMMT_<F>] [GEMMTNum] [GEMMT<F>] [SGEMMT] [DGEMMT] [CGEMMT] [ZGEMMT] general matrix-matrix multiply, tri update

Level 2 BLAS (full)

BLAS Prototype Num Trait Generic f32 f64 c32 c64 Description
gemv [GEMV_<F>] [GEMVNum] [GEMV<F>] [SGEMV] [DGEMV] [CGEMV] [ZGEMV] general matrix-vector multiply
ger [GER_<F>] [GERNum] [GER<F>] [SGER] [DGER] [CGERU] [ZGERU] general matrix rank-1 update
gerc [GERC_<F>] [GERCNum] [GERC<F>] [CGERC] [ZGERC] general matrix rank-1 update
{sy,he}mv [HEMV_<F>] [HEMVNum] [HEMV<F>] [SSYMV] [DSYMV] [CHEMV] [ZHEMV] symm/hermi matrix-vector multiply
{sy,he}r [HER_<F>] [HERNum] [HER<F>] [SSYR] [DSYR] [CHER] [ZHER] symm/hermi rank-1 update
{sy,he}r2 [HER2_<F>] [HER2Num] [HER2<F>] [SSYR2] [DSYR2] [CHER2] [ZHER2] symm/hermi rank-2 update
trmv [TRMV_<F>] [TRMVNum] [TRMV<F>] [STRMV] [DTRMV] [CTRMV] [ZTRMV] tri matrix-vector multiply
trsv [TRSV_<F>] [TRSVNum] [TRSV<F>] [STRSV] [DTRSV] [CTRSV] [ZTRSV] tri matrix-vector solve

Level 2 BLAS (packed)

BLAS Prototype Num Trait Generic f32 f64 c32 c64 Description
{sp,hp}mv [HPMV_<F>] [HPMVNum] [HPMV<F>] [SSPMV] [DSPMV] [CHPMV] [ZHPMV] symm/hermi matrix-vector multiply
{sp,hp}r [HPR_<F>] [HPRNum] [HPR<F>] [SSPR] [DSPR] [CHPR] [ZHPR] symm/hermi rank-1 update
{sp,hp}r2 [HPR2_<F>] [HPR2Num] [HPR2<F>] [SSPR2] [DSPR2] [CHPR2] [ZHPR2] symm/hermi rank-2 update
tpmv [TPMV_<F>] [TPMVNum] [TPMV<F>] [STPMV] [DTPMV] [CTPMV] [ZTPMV] tri matrix-vector multiply
tpsv [TPSV_<F>] [TPSVNum] [TPSV<F>] [STPSV] [DTPSV] [CTPSV] [ZTPSV] tri matrix-vector solve

Level 2 BLAS (banded)

BLAS Prototype Num Trait Generic f32 f64 c32 c64 Description
gbmv [GBMV_<F>] [GBMVNum] [GBMV<F>] [SGBMV] [DGBMV] [CGBMV] [ZGBMV] general matrix-vector multiply
{sb,hb}mv [HBMV_<F>] [HBMVNum] [HBMV<F>] [SSBMV] [DSBMV] [CHBMV] [ZHBMV] symm/hermi matrix-vector multiply
tbmv [TBMV_<F>] [TBMVNum] [TBMV<F>] [STBMV] [DTBMV] [CTBMV] [ZTBMV] tri matrix-vector multiply
tbsv [TBSV_<F>] [TBSVNum] [TBSV<F>] [STBSV] [DTBSV] [CTBSV] [ZTBSV] tri matrix-vector solve

Level 1 BLAS

BLAS Prototype Num Trait Generic f32 f64 c32 c64 Description
asum [ASUM_<F>] [ASUMNum] [ASUM<F>] [SASUM] [DASUM] [SCASUM] [DZASUM] $\sum_i \big( \vert \mathrm{re} ( x_i ) \vert + \vert \mathrm{im} ( x_i ) \vert \big)$
nrm2 [NRM2_<F>] [NRM2Num] [NRM2<F>] [SNRM2] [DNRM2] [SCNRM2] [DZASUM] $\Vert \boldsymbol{x} \Vert_2$
iamax [IAMAX_<F>] [IAMAXNum] [IAMAX<F>] [ISAMAX] [IDAMAX] [ICAMAX] [IZAMAX] $\arg \max_i \big( \vert \mathrm{re} ( x_i ) \vert + \vert \mathrm{im} ( x_i ) \vert \big)$