A tj/co implementation for Ember.
ember install ember-co
To create a Promise
import co from 'ember-co';
let companyNamePromise = co(function*() {
let user = yield this.store.findRecord('user', 'Johnny');
// assuming the User model has an asynchronous `belongsTo` relationship with Company model
let company = yield user.get('company');
// name can be both a synchronous and an asynchronous property
return company.get('name');
}, 'promise label'); // label is optional
console.assert(companyNamePromise instanceof Ember.RSVP.Promise, 'co returns an Ember promise');
To create a function that returns a Promise
import { wrap } from 'ember-co';
let UserRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
model: wrap(function*({ id }) {
let user = yield this.store.findRecord('user', id);
this.set('user', user);
let friends = user.get('friends');
return { user, friends };
}, 'model promise'), // label is optional
actions: {
updateCompanyName: wrap(function*(newName) {
let company = yield user.get('company');
company.set('name', newName);
}, 'update company name action'), // label is optional