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107 lines (62 loc) · 6.39 KB

File metadata and controls

107 lines (62 loc) · 6.39 KB


1.3.0 (2023-10-07)


  • add a mock test dataset for faster test run (8609a09)
  • add an option to rename duplicates before seqkit sort (bfefd72)
  • update main config.yaml (d63291e)

Bug Fixes

  • fixed the issues with na p-values (c577d86)
  • make igv_report optional so the pipeline can run without providing a gff/gtf file (61105b8)

1.2.4 (2023-09-19)


  • add user defined manhattan plot parameters (b71f0fb)

Bug Fixes

  • fixed qmplot link for the report (0dec539)
  • fixed typo in rule bowtie2_build (#19) (9ef6faf)

Performance Improvements

  • changed snakemake to snakemake-minimal (8f85998)

1.2.3 (2023-05-09)


  • added init func. to initialize a new workdir (be02e7f)

Bug Fixes

  • fixes broken input path (bcc1606)

1.2.2 (2023-05-03)

Bug Fixes

  • fixed the issue with missing package data (4573f50)

1.2.1 (2023-04-24)


Bug Fixes

1.2.0 (2023-04-17)


  • add a function to extract chromosome names and lengths from a SAM file (413ead9)
  • add a rule for genome indexing (f2d596e)
  • add a rule to convert BAM files to BED (a948d98)
  • add a rule to convert kmers table to PLINK (8c4bfad)
  • add error handling (da92bdb)
  • add k-mer counts dist. plots (7df4787)
  • add k-mer counts dist. plots (79427b4)
  • add k-mer counts dist. plots (c45c412)
  • add (698dcb8)
  • add new functions, update checkpoints + target outputs (6dac404)
  • add rules for converting BAM to BED (33ed058)
  • add rules for generating igv reports (igv-report) (2c4b4fe)
  • improve the kmers GWAS summary reports (9d5de9e)
  • udpate config files + add new parameters (38c939b)
  • update blast wrapper to v1.25.0 (3da03ba)
  • update to kmc 3.2.1 (c933fda)

Bug Fixes

  • change output, log paths and report caption (827dcad)
  • change x and y-axis ticks and labels (c7cdf87)
  • fixed typo (1238463)
  • make the script compatible to new kmers GWAS summary reports (3dbecf0)
  • specify the spades version (35d5690)
  • update input file paths (05d7e6b)
  • update input, ouput and params paths (4637ed6)
  • update output directory paths + add touch (a0500c2)

Performance Improvements

  • update snakemake version to 7.25.0 (5b999c4)
  • update to fasterq-dump wrapper v1.23.5 (373b406)