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281 lines (199 loc) · 9.51 KB


Gem Version GitHub Workflow Status MIT Licensed

DSL engine for building Arch packages


Running pkgforge

If you already have a .pkgforge file you want to run, the pkgforge tool has 3 subcommands:

❯ pkgforge
pkgforge 0.20.0 -- DSL engine for building Arch packages


  pkgforge <subcommand> [options]

        -h, --help         Show this message
        -v, --version      Print the name and version
        -t, --trace        Show the full backtrace when an error occurs

  build                 Build the package
  release               Release the package
  info                  Print package info

Each subcommand has help text that can be invoked w/ the -h flag detailing available options. Specific options of note:

  • -d DIR -- Change to this directory before starting
  • -s -- Don't clean up anything afterwards. Very useful for troubleshooting
  • -t -- Enable tracebacks, so you can debug pkgforge internal errors

Standard flow

Generally, you'll want to run pkgforge build to confirm building works, and then pkgforge release to upload the package to GitHub. Releasing will use the tag on the current revision as the GitHub release name.

To avoid building the package twice (since build and release don't default to sharing state), you can use the --statefile /path/to/file option. This will cause the two commands to share state, so building builds an artifact and release updates that same artifact.

Writing .pkgforge files

The pkgforge spec has a couple of required elements and then several optional ones. The file is parsed as Ruby, so Ruby syntax applies for strings and similar, and additionally for advanced use cases you can write arbitrary Ruby at any point.

Before we start, here's an example complete .pkgforge for git:

name 'git'
org 'amylum'

licenses 'COPYING'

  zlib: {
    version: '1.2.11-1',
    checksum: '5596e2d39ef98e2323ac415f50afa71a433ed65c23e8d1f2723f711f5ffb4f32'
  openssl: {
    version: '1.1.0g-1',
    checksum: 'f70d94ca94f05be4a14438cf29ed4695d9731d023a4b72d30126d826720bc48b'
  curl: {
    version: '7.57.0-1',
    checksum: 'ea8db25223edddd2668d4f25f8a030469aa90306b1204cc1cecf64d468cb2949'


build do
  run(['make', 'all', 'install',
    "CURL_LIBCURL=#{@forge.dep(:curl)}/usr/lib/libcurl.a #{@forge.dep(:openssl)}/usr/lib/libssl.a #{@forge.dep(:openssl)}/usr/lib/libcrypto.a",
    "CFLAGS=#{@forge.cflags.join(' ')}",
    "LDFLAGS=#{@forge.cflags.join(' ')}",

test do
  run 'git --version'

name (required)

The name of the package, provided as a string

org (required)

The GitHub organization to upload the package to (this plus the name become the GitHub repo slug, as in

license (optional)

This defines where to find the license file. The default is to look for a file called 'LICENSE' in the source directory. This can be provided as a string or an array of strings (for multiple license files). If the given license does not exist, that is a fatal error during build.

source (optional)

The source block describes how to load the source of the upstream package. The default is "git" with a path of "./upstream". The available options:


Loads the source from a local git submodule. Accepts a single argument, "path", which defines the path to the submodule, relative to the repo base dir:

  type: 'git',
  path: 'my_sub_dir'

Loads the source from a remote tarball. Requires a "url" argument and a "checksum":

  type: 'tar',
  url: '',
  checksum: 'd0e2261c84f3fc56c13ebbc297a4b19fd6c9634fabd2143f88781b405ffe7698'


This sets up a blank source dir. Useful if you'll be generating all the contents, as in this example

source(type: 'empty')

deps (optional)

The deps parameter is an hash of dep objects, each of which contains a version and checksum. Deps are expected themselves to be pkgforge-built GitHub release artifacts and exist in the same org as this package. They are described by a version number and checksum.

  zlib: {
    version: '1.2.11-1',
    checksum: '5596e2d39ef98e2323ac415f50afa71a433ed65c23e8d1f2723f711f5ffb4f32'
  openssl: {
    version: '1.1.0g-1',
    checksum: 'f70d94ca94f05be4a14438cf29ed4695d9731d023a4b72d30126d826720bc48b'
  curl: {
    version: '7.57.0-1',
    checksum: 'ea8db25223edddd2668d4f25f8a030469aa90306b1204cc1cecf64d468cb2949'

configure_flags (optional)

This lets you set flags that will be used if you run configure while building. They are specified as a hash, where the keys are the configure flag names without leading "--". A value of "nil" adds the flag without a value.

  prefix: '/usr',
  'with-termlib': 'tinfo',
  'with-ticlib': 'tic',
  'with-shared': nil,
  'with-normal': nil,
  'without-cxx': nil,
  'without-cxx-binding': nil,
  'enable-widec': nil

cflags (optional)

When called with no value, this auto-adds -L /path/to/dep/lib -I /path/to/dep/include to the CFLAGS variable used for build commands for every dep specified in the .pkgforge file. When called with a an array of strings, it adds those strings to the CFLAGS variable. It can be called multiple times.

cflags ['-Wa,--noexecstack']

libs (optional)

When called with no value, auto-adds -lNAME for every dep listed in the .pkgforge file to the LIBS variable that will be used for build commands. When called with an array of strings, adds those values to LIBS variable. Do not prefix with "-l" when calling with strings.

libs %w(gpg-error assuan)

remove_linker_archives (optional)

If called, this removes all .la files from deps. This exists because sometimes those files interfere with building.

remove_pkgconfig_files (optional)

If called, this removes all .pc files from deps. This exists because sometimes those files interfere with building.

harden (optional)

This adds a stock set of hardening options to CFLAGS. The list was originally sourced from this blog, and can be seen here. Passing an array of strings as arguments disables the listed options from the ALL_HARDEN_OPTS hash.

patch (optional)

This patches the source with the given patch files. Files must be stored in the ./patches dir in the repo, and listed by name without the ./patches prefix. This command can be used multiple times, and patches will be run in the order they are listed.

patch 'musl.patch'
patch 'elf.patch'
patch 'if_arp.patch'

package (optional)

This describes how to package the resulting build artifact. The default is to use "tarball"


This bundles the whole release dir into a .tar.gz file


This uploads individual files as listed. The "source" is where inside the release dir to find the file, the "name" is the name to give the artifact.

  type: 'file',
  artifacts: [
      source: 'bin/speculate_darwin',
      name: 'speculate_darwin'
      source: 'bin/speculate_linux',
      name: 'speculate_linux'

test (required)

The test block describes how to check that the build works. It is run after building, from the context of the newly created release's directory. Available helper commands:

  • run -- Runs a command with the environment adjusted to use only this package's libs and the libs of your named deps.

build (required)

The build command describes how to actually turn the source into a package. It has a number of helper commands:

  • run -- runs a command from the build directory. Takes a string or array of strings
  • configure -- runs ./configure with any given configure_flags, CFLAGS, and LIBs, as well as with the CC set to musl-gcc. If you have other env vars to set, pass them as a hash
  • make -- runs make with the CFLAGS / LIBS / CC set similarly to ./configure. Again, if you have extra env vars, pass them as a hash.
  • install -- runs make DESTDIR=#{releasedir} install with the same CFLAGS / LIBS / CC as make. Again, env vars can be passed as a hash.
  • rm -- Remove a file from the release dir. Useful for cleaning up extra files. Accepts a string or array of strings
  • cp -- Copies a file from the build dir to the release dir. Pass just the source path to copy to the same dest path, or pass source and dest to copy to a new path.

There are also a handful of variables / helper functions for looking up info:

  • releasedir -- resolves to the release dir's absolute path
  • dep(PACKAGE) -- resolves to that dep's absolute path
  • default_env -- the CC, CFLAGS, and LIBS vars used by the helper commands.


gem install pkgforge


pkgforge is released under the MIT License. See the bundled LICENSE file for details.