Now that your environment is up and running and monitored by Dynatrace, you can proceed with onboarding the first application into your cluster. For this lab, we will use the carts application (a microservice), which emulates the behavior of a shopping cart and also comes with a (not very fancy) user interface. Besides, this service is written in Java Spring and uses a mongoDB database to store data. If you are interested in the source code of the service, please find it on Github.
To create a project which is the logical entity that holds services, please follow these instructions:
Navigate to the
folder in the workshop directory:cd /usr/keptn/keptn-springoneplatform/keptn-onboarding
Create the
project, according to the provided shipyard file:keptn create project sockshop --shipyard=shipyard.yaml
This will create a configuration repository in your cluster and version it with git. This repository will contain a branch for each of the stages defined in the shipyard file in order to store the desired configuration of the application within that stage.
Since the
project does not contain any services yet, it is time to onboard a service into the project. To onboard thecarts
service, execute the following command:keptn onboard service carts --project=sockshop --chart=./carts
After onboarding the service, we want to add a couple of test specifications as a basis for our quality gates. Therefore we add some additional resources to the service for the different stages.
keptn add-resource --project=sockshop --service=carts --stage=dev --resource=jmeter/basiccheck.jmx --resourceUri=jmeter/basiccheck.jmx
keptn add-resource --project=sockshop --service=carts --stage=staging --resource=jmeter/basiccheck.jmx --resourceUri=jmeter/basiccheck.jmx
keptn add-resource --project=sockshop --service=carts --stage=dev --resource=jmeter/load.jmx --resourceUri=jmeter/load.jmx
keptn add-resource --project=sockshop --service=carts --stage=staging --resource=jmeter/load.jmx --resourceUri=jmeter/load.jmx
Finally, a database is neded for the carts service to keep track of all items in the shopping cart:
keptn onboard service carts-db --project=sockshop --chart=./carts-db --deployment-strategy=direct
Please note that we overwrite the deployment strategy for the database since we do not want a blue/green deployment in this case, but instead only a single instance per stage.
Now, your configuration repository contains all the information needed to deploy your application and even supports blue/green deployments for two of the environments (staging and production).