Make sure you have completed the steps associated with Implementing SDAE Event and the implementation of the CDAE will be included in the file: lambda/api/endpoint_cloud/ CDAE is similar to smart home directives where namespace will be “Alexa.SimpleSetup” and the name will be “AssociateCustomerDevice” and Alexa will send this directive to the skill in case while processing Skill Device Association Event alexa backedn found that the customer that provisioned this device has the skill enabled and ready to be used.
This is the final stage of the guide where you can run the end to end test starting from running the sdk demo with the appropriate keys and wait till Alexa announces that there is a new device discovered.
To run the end to end demo, please follow the following:
Navigate to
Replace the valid keys(
certificate.pem and private_key.pem
) that belong to the test customer into the directorydata/device_certificate/
Make sure that the skill you are testing with has been enabled for the same customer.
Navigate back to the build folder and run the workshop executable with passing the provisioning url. The porvisioning url should be API url you configured in Implement SDAE Event Command should look like the below:
./FrustrationFreeSetupLinuxWorkshop -u https://{API-Id}
Expected Result: A Notification from Alexa that says "Your First Bulb is connected"