- Introduction 🔺
- The Standard Model 🔺
- The LHC and ATLAS 🔺
- Tracking 🔺
- Calorimetry 🔺
- Muon spectrometry 🔺
- Tau leptons 🔺
- Properties 🔺
- Leptonic decays 🔺
- Hadronic decays 🔺 0. Reconstruction 🔺 0. Jet discrimination 🔺 0. Electron discrimination 🔺 0. Muon discrimination 🔺
- Htautau strategy 🔺
- Objects 🔺
- Event topology 🔺
- di-tau mass reconstruction 🔺
- MVA discrimination 🔺
- Background modeling 🔺
- Ztautau 🔺
- Zll 🔺
- jet mis-id 🔺
- top and di-bosons 🔺
- Results 🔺
- Fit procedure 🔺
- Fit results 🔺
- Measurements 🔺
- Uncertainties 🔺
- Higgs landscape 🔺
- Future prospects 🔺
- Run-II 🔺
- HL-LHC 🔺
- Conclusions 🔺
status | marker |
not started | 🔺 |
in progress | 🔸 |
stable | 🔹 |