- I want to check the difference of each file (-p) for the last 2 commits (-2).
$ git log -p -2
- I want to check an specific file and how many lines where updated in each commit.
$ git log --stat
- I want a pretty way to see commits
$ git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an, %ar : %s" `
- I want to see the commits with the branches structure.
$ git log --graph
- I want to check the commits that were made the last 2 weeks avoiding merges commits.
$ git log --since=2.weeks --no-merges
- Ops, I forgot to add a file and/or I want to change a typo. If you have your changes LOCALLY ->
$ git commit -m 'Initial commit' $ git add forgotten_file $ git commit --amend
- Ops, I add a file that I don't want in the commit
$ git reset HEAD <file.name> or $ git restore --staged <file.name>
- Ops, I don't want to commit neither stash the changes that I made in . Unrecoverable!
$ git checkout -- <file.name> or $ git restore <file.name>
I want to clone a remote repository.
$ git clone
I create a new repo in my local and I want to link it with a new repo in github.
$ git init $ git remote add <url.git> $ git add . $ git commit -m 'Initial commit' $ git push
I want to have my own repo based on another repo just in case I messed up. ** Check this out! Note: First create a forke of an existing repo in github this would give you a url.git
$ git remote add <url.git> $ git fetch $ git checkout /<branch_name>
I want to check what it is in a repo that I forked
$ git remote show
I want to check witch remotes do I have
$ git remote -v
I want to push commits that I have in the remote
$ git push <branch_name>
Ops, I missspeled the name of my remote
$ git remote rename
- I want to create a tag based on release. Eg. v.0.0.1
$ git tag -a <release_version> https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Tagging
Collaborators : Alexandra Avendano