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Releases: alexnardini/FLAM3_for_SideFX_Houdini

FLAM3H v1.4.15

14 Sep 21:03
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

The small things:

  • Fix: Fixed OUT options "save palette 256+" not being properly reset to its defaults.
  • Fix: Fixed OUT options "use Fractorium parametric prm names" not being properly reset to its defaults.
  • Fix: Fixed some mixed up messages inside: def reset_CP(self, mode=0) -> None:
  • Fix: Fixed a status bar message after loading a Flame preset.
  • Fix: When copy/paste the main section it will not copy the ON/OFF(Enable/Disable) iterator parameter anymore.
  • Fix: The default value for the OUT tab option's parameter: "use Fractorium parametric prm names" is now ON(Active).
  • Fix: Removed quotes from the IN tab options parameter's name: "remap 'pre_gaussian_blur'"
  • Fix: When selecting the focus of an iterator through the SYS mini-menu "Select iterator" the flash message will now print also if it is Disabled.
  • Fix: Improved some parameter's tooltips.
  • Fix: Cleaned and improved palette plus([256+]) messages python definition.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3H for SideFX Houdini v1.4.05b

13 Sep 15:55
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

This is the same as v1.4.05 but with the following small fix, just for the sake of completeness:

  • Fix: Updated documentation with the correct and new bookmark icon when a variation's weight is set to 0.0 ( ZERO ).

From v1.4.05

  • New: New bookmark icon for non active variations.
  • Fix: When loading a Flame, the Descriptive parameter will now display the Flame name without the iterations number baked into its name string.
  • Fix: When loading a Flame, the Status bar message will now print the Flame name without the iterations number baked into its name string.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.4.01

13 Sep 02:45
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • Fix: When copy the OUT preset flame name it will now print the copied name with a flash message or give a warning message in the status bar otherwise.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.4.00

12 Sep 16:27
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • New: The OUT file contents action script button is now a multi-purpose button.
  • New: You can now copy an existing preset Flame name from the selected OUT file into the Flame name string field.
  • Fix: OUT tab option "auto add iter num to Flame name" will remove the iter num from the Flame name when toggled OFF.
  • Fix: FLAM3H node is now created with the "xaos div" preferences option set to: ON.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.96

12 Sep 07:52
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • Fix: When the IN tab's "force iterations on load" toggle was ON, changing the iterations number was not updating the IN tab "iterations on Load" value. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: Flame preset info "Name" is now just below the "Software" info without an extra empty line as spacer.
  • Fix: Changed the IN tab's IN infos -> "flame lib file: LOCKED" string to just: "-> LOCKED"
  • Fix: Fixed an empty extra space inside the generated XML plugin key on Save caused by the way the "pre_blur" variation name was added to the processed list.
  • Fix: Fixed some wrong python type hints.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.90

10 Sep 15:43
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • New: The CP Palette, IN Flame and OUT Flame preset's menus entries can now be enumerated. It's handy and easier to remember a preset you liked while trying out others.
  • New: Added a preference's option to turn the presets menus enumeration ON/OFF.
  • New: Added the option to override the iterations number coming from the Flame preset name.
  • Fix: Updated list of definition's declarations inside each class's doc string for easy find and search.
  • Fix: Changing the IN prefs -> "iterations on Load" value was not updating the OUT Flame preset name if any. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: When turning ON the "force iterations on Load" toggle the OUT Flame preset name if any was not updating. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: Fixed issue when undo a copy/paste iterator's section action in H20.5.
  • Fix: Fixed issue when undo a copy/paste FF's section action in H20.5.
  • Fix: When truning ON the "auto add iter num to Flame name" toggle the OUT Flame preset name if any was not updating. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: Fixed a typo error in the onDeleted python script.
  • Fix: Fixed few typos in some parameter's tooltip doc string.
  • Fix: Improved some parameter's tooltips.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.77

05 Sep 17:35
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • New: added a new camera sensor's screenshot examples for the app Fractorium to the documentation.
  • Fix: a marked iterator in any of the FLAM3H nodes in the scene could cause an error in the SYS tab mini-menu Select iterator parameter when reloading the same hip file from a fresh Houdini session. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: the SYS tab mini-menu Select Iterator parameter was not able to catch up after multiple undos of marked iterators. It is now fixed.
  • Fix: corrected some python class properties declaration's names and usage.
  • Fix: improved some parameter's tool tips.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.70

04 Sep 17:46
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • New: You can now save and load Flames with more than 256 palette colors. An option to enable saving with this spec has been added to the OUT: Options tab.
  • New: You can now save and load Palette with more than 256 palette colors. An option to enable saving with this spec has been added to the CP: Options tab.
  • New: When you are adding more than 256 colors keys to the palette either by editing it or by loading a Flame or Palette preset with that many colors, a message in the CP tab UI will show up as: "[256+]"
  • New: Added info flash message when changing iterator number focus through the SYS tab mini-menu: Select iterator.
  • Fix: Loading a Palette preset will now automatically set the palette lookup samples to use if the color keys are more than 256.
  • Fix: Kept only the python module: lxml elementTree.
  • Fix: The IN render preset infos are now split into: CAMERA SENSOR and RENDER SETTINGS infos to match what's inside the OUT tab Render Properties options.
  • Fix: fixed few more typos.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.62

31 Aug 08:59
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • Fix: XML key -> "Color Speed" is now always exported on save.
  • Fix: CP Palette lookup sample menu's "256" entry has now a bookmark icon to identify it as the default value that should be used.
  • Fix: Turned for loops into proper list comprehension form inside: def paste_from_list(...) and def paste_from_list_affine(...)
  • Fix: The "flam3 compatibility" toggle inside the Preferences Tab is now hidden and only the one inside the SYS Tab has been kept.
  • Fix: PRE and POST variation type menu's bookmark icon now use the same icon as the pre_blur to symbolize their type.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

FLAM3 for SideFX Houdini v1.3.56

26 Aug 12:43
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H20.x and H19.x only

  • This is a Limited Commercial Houdini Indie license release.
  • For some reasons SideFX Orbolt stopped working for this asset and I am not able to convert this into a Studio license anymore.
  • If you need a Commercial Studio license download the latest available, version: v1.3.07

  • Fix: Pre_blur Parameter references is now properly rewired as it got erased in the preview version along with the open state of the about tab folder.

From v1.3.55

  • Fix: Toggle parameter references are now properly rewired as they got erased in the preview version.

From v1.3.54

  • Fix: Fixed the iterator disabled tooltip.

From v1.3.53

  • New: When loading a Flame with more variations number than allowed it will now print the one that are in excess and skipped from being loaded.
  • Fix: Fixed the active iterator and FF buttons sliding one slot when clicked, introduced in the preview version.
  • Updated HDA documentation.

From v1.3.50

  • New: Added a button in each affine's tab to copy and paste from/to the pre or post affine values in the same iterator.
  • New: Added a button in each FF affine's tab to copy and paste from/to the FF pre or FF post affine values.
  • Fix: Updated the about box FLAM3H website's icon to match the one used in the website homepage.
  • Fix: The iterator active buttons have been swapped with a geometry data prm's action button to save one parameter.
  • Fix: Fixed a few typo in some of the UI folder names.