- Common Language Runtime
- Intermediate Language (IL)
- Managed language
- Managed code
- Just-In-Time (JIT)
- Frameworks and Base Class Libraries
- Data Types and Memory Allocation
- Value Types
- Reference Types
- double Versus decimal
- Stack
- Heap
- Local method
- CLR behind the scene implementations
- new versus override
- Initialization order
- Boxing and unboxing
- Struct
- Ref Structs
- Friend Assemblies
- Interface implementations
- Enum Type-Safety Issues
- Generics
- Constraints
- Covariance
- Contravariance
- Events
- Delegate
- Parameter compatibility
- Return type compatibility
- Generic delegate type
- Lambda Expressions
- Closures
- Captured variables
- Expression tree
- Lambda Expressions Versus Local Methods
Statements and Exceptions- Enumeration and Iterators
- The
Class Nullable<T>
Struct- Nullable Reference Types
- Extension Methods
- Anonymous Types
- Tuple and ValueTuple
- Patterns
- Property Patterns
- Tuple Patterns
- Positional Patterns
Patterns- Constant Patterns
- Caller Info Attributes
- CallerMemberName
- CallerFilePath
- CallerLineNumber
- Dynamic Binding
- Unsafe Code and Pointers
- Preprocessor Directives
- Conditional Attributes
- Comparing Strings
- Equality comparison
- Order comparison
- Ordinal versus culture comparison
- StringBuilder
- Text Encodings and Unicode
- Dates and Times
- TimeSpan
- DateTime and DateTimeOffset
- Time Zones
- Alternatives
- BigInteger
- Complex
- Random
- The
- Standard Equality Protocols
- == and !=
- The virtual object.Equals method
- The static object.Equals method
- The static object.ReferenceEquals method
- The IEquatable interface
- When Equals and == are not equal
- Overriding GetHashCode
- Overriding Equals
- Collections
- BitArray
- HashSet and SortedSet
- Dictionaries
- EqualityComparer
- LINQ Query
- Deferred Execution
- Subqueries
- Interpreted Queries
- Garbage Collection and Memory Consumption
- Finalizers
- How the GC Works
- Managed Memory Leaks
- Cross-Platform Diagnostics Tools
- dotnet-counters
- dotnet-trace
- dotnet-dump
- Concurrency and Asynchrony and Threading
- Concurrency vs Multi-Threading vs Async vs Parallelism
- Single-core vs multicore or multiprocessor machine
- Related Data-Structures (ex: ConcurrentDictionary, Channels)
- Sleep
- Yield
- Blocking
- Spinning
- Local versus Shared State
- Passing Data to a Thread
- Exception Handling
- Foreground versus Background Threads
- IAsyncStateMachine
- IAsyncEnumerable
- IAsyncDisposable
- Synchronization Contexts
async void
- The Thread Pool
- Worker Thread vs I/O Thread
- Tasks
- Long-running tasks & Task.Run()
- AggregateException
- awaiter.GetResult() vs .Result
- TaskCompletionSource
- Task.Delay
- Awaiting
- Asynchronous call graph execution
- Precautions
- Cancellation
- Synchronization
- Categories
- Exclusive locking
- lock Statement
- Monitor.Enter and Monitor.Exit
- Choosing the Synchronization Object
- Deadlocks
- Performance
- Mutex
- Locking and Thread Safety
- Nonexclusive locking
- Semaphore and SemaphoreSlim
- Reader/Writer Locks
- Signaling
- AutoResetEvent
- ManualResetEvent
- CountdownEvent
- Barrier Class
- Exclusive locking
- Lazy Initialization
- Thread-Local Storage
- Timers
- SpinLock and SpinWait
- Nonblocking synchronization techniques
- Interlocked
- memory barriers
- volatile
- Monitor.Wait and Monitor.Pulse
- Categories
Stream Architecture
- Backing stores
- FileStream
- NetworkStream
- MemoryStream
- PipeStream
- Named pipes
- Anonymous pipes
- Decorators
- BufferedStream
- DeflateStream
- GZipStream
- CryptoStream
- Adapters
- TextReader
- TextWriter
- StreamReader
- StreamWriter
- StringReader
- StringWriter
- Thread Safety
class vsFileInfo
- Memory-Mapped Files
- Backing stores
Network Architecture
- URIs
- WebClient
- HttpClient
- HttpListener
- TCP and UDP
Serialization Engines
- XmlSerializer
- JsonSerializer
- The data contract serializer
- The binary serializer
- The Assembly Manifest
- Resources and Satellite Assemblies
- assembly loading
- Assembly resolution
- Assembly Load Contexts
- AssemblyDependencyResolver
Reflection and Metadata
Method vstypeof
Operator- Obtaining a Type
- Array types
- Nested types
- Type Names
- Instantiating Types
- Member Types
- C# Members versus CLR Members
- Late binding
- Using Delegates for Performance
- Attributes
- Types
- Bit-mapped
- Custom
- Pseudocustom
- Properties and constructor parameters constraints
- Types
- Dynamic Code Generation
- Generating IL with DynamicMethod
- Emitting Assemblies and Types
Dynamic Programming
- Dynamic Language Runtime
- Call Sites
- Dynamic Member Overload Resolution
- Anonymously Calling Members of a Generic Type
- Hash Algorithms
- Hashing Passwords
- Symmetric Encryption
- Public-Key Encryption and Signing
- Parallel Programming
- Channel
- Data parallelism and task parallelism
- The Parallel Class
- Task Parallelism
- Concurrent Collections
- BlockingCollection
- Span and Memory
- Spans and Slicing
- Forward-Only Enumerators
- Native and COM Interoperability
- Calling into Native DLLs
- The Purpose of COM
- Regular Expressions
- Compiled Regular Expressions
- Character Escapes
- Character Sets
- Quantifiers
- The Roslyn Compiler
- Roslyn Architecture
- Parsing code into syntax trees (the syntactic layer)
- Binding identifiers to symbols (the semantic layer)
- Emitting Intermediate Language (IL)
- Roslyn Architecture