- Concurrency vs Multi-Threading vs Async vs Parallelism
- Data-Structures
- ConcurrentDictionary
- ConcurrentQueue
- Channels
- Async & Task Internals
- At least, how many threads are needed to run an async task?
- GetAwaiter().GetResult() vs .Result
- Task vs ValueTask
- Task.WhenAll & Task.WhenAny
- FooAsync.Wait() & FooAsync.WaitAsync()
- Why is
async void
bad? When do we have to use it? - Task.Run
- What does it do?
- Does Task.Run() create a new Thread?!
- Exception-Handling in Fire & Forget scenarios
- Thread.Sleep vs Task.Delay
- Long-running threads (ThreadPool effects, Implementation via TaskFactory)
- ExecutionContext vs SynchronizationContext (aspnetcore breaking changes ?)
- AsyncLocal
- Asynchronous design patterns like AsyncLazy
- CancellationToken
- Usages
- Creating a cancellation-token using CancellationTokenSource
- Canceling a CPU-Bound Task
- How can we timeout an async task after some time using CancellationTokens?
- IAsyncStateMachine
- What's that?
- How does it work internally?
- IAsyncEnumerable
- IAsyncDisposable
- What's that?
- Where do we need that?
- Locking
- Ways
keyword- Monitor.Enter
- Semaphore
- Semaphore-Slim
- Strategies
- Optimistic
- Pessimistic
- Ways
- ThreadPool
- What's thread-pool?
- Why should we use that?
- How can we run a piece of code on a thread-pool thread? (ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem)