Copyright (C) 2011 - 2014, Olivier Biot, Jason Oster, Aaron McLeod
melonJS is licensed under the MIT License
melonJS is the result of our enthusiasm & experiments with Javascript, and currently features :
- A fresh & lightweight 2D sprite-based engine
- Standalone library (does not rely on anything else, except a HTML5 capable browser)
- Compatible with most major browser (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera, IE)
- Multiple Audio Channel support
- Basic physics & collision mechanisms (to ensure low cpu requirements)
- Basic Vector Math
- Tween Effects
- Transition effects
- A basic set of Object Entities (to be extended)
- Object Pooling
- Basic Particle System
- Basic animation management
- Standard spritesheet and Packed Textures (Texture Packer, ShoeBox) support
- A state manager (to easily manage loading, menu, options, in-game state)
- Tiled map format version +0.9.x integration for easy level design
- Uncompressed Plain, Base64, CSV and JSON encoded XML tilemap loading
- Orthogonal tilemap with built-in collision management
- Isometric, Perspective tilemap support
- Multiple layers (multiple background/Foreground, collision and Image layers)
- Multiple Tileset support
- Tileset Transparency settings
- Layers Alpha settings
- Tiled Objects
- Flipped & rotated Tiles
- Dynamic Layer and Object/Group ordering
- Dynamic Entity loading
- Solid, Platform, Slope and Breakable Tiles
- System & bitmap fonts
- Mouse and Touch device support (with mouse emulation)
- Built-in support for cocoonJS
- Asynchronous messaging support (minPubSub)
- some basic GUI elements
- a customizable loader, etc...
To build your own version of melonJS you will need to install :
Once the Node.js package manager has been installed (using the installer from their website), we need to install Grunt and the Grunt CLI (Command Line Interface), by doing the following :
Open a Terminal or a Commmand Prompt and type the following :
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
then we can install the melonJS required dependencies, by typing :
$ cd melonJS
$ npm install
Once all the above done, we are ready to build melonJS :
$ cd melonJS (if not already in the melonJS directory)
$ grunt
Both plain and minified library will be available under the "build" directory.
Just do the following to actually build the documentation :
$ cd melonJS (if not already in the melonJS directory)
$ grunt doc
The generated documentation will be then available under the "docs" directory
To run melonJS tests simply run the following:
$ grunt test
This will run the jasmine spec tests with the output on the shell.
Follow the tutorial here to get started !
Note that due to the 'cross-origin request' policy implemented in most browsers (that prevents from accessing local files), you will need to either disable this security check (see the tutorial), or better use a "personal" local web server.
If you need help, you can try the melonJS developer forum, or in #melonjs on For any other questions, feel free to send us an email.