A PiCo implementation of the well-known PageRank algorithm.
The code in pagerank.cpp
shows the usage of iterative pipelines.
See the home README for build instructions.
This simplified implementation takes in input two text files:
- a list of pages, one per line
- a list of edges, one per line, where each edge is a pair of space-separated pages
and produces a list of page-rank pairs.
The prg-convert
utility converts edge-only graphs to their pages+edges representation.
Grab a graph from the SNAP repository and convert it:
cd /path/to/build/examples/page-rank/testdata
wget https://snap.stanford.edu/data/cit-HepPh.txt.gz
gunzip cit-HepPh.txt.gz
./prg-convert cit-HepPh.txt foo
Compute the ranks:
cd ..
./pagerank testdata/foo-nodes testdata/foo-edges bar
To visualize the graph for the pageRank
dot -Tpng page-rank.dot -o page-rank.png