On each client connection to a socket.io server, this library binds events received on the client socket to handler functions.
It also provides convenient helper methods to those helper functions.
// handlers.js
export const sayHello = (callbacks, io, socket) => // handle event
// express.js
import express from 'express';
import socketIo from 'socket.io';
import bindSocketIoHandlers from 'bind-socketio-handlers';
import * as handlers from './handlers';
const onClientConnect = io => socket => {
bindSocketIoHandlers(io, socket, handlers);
const app = express();
const io = socketIo(app);
io.on('connection', onClientConnect(io));
The callbacks
object passed to each handler contains some helper functions:
toSocket(event, payload),
toRoom(roomName)(event, payload),
emitError(e, parameters),
onError(e, parameters), // alias for emitError
All default callback functions return a promise that resolve to undefined.
You can extend or over-write these callbacks by passing an object of named callback functions to bindSocketIoHandlers
const myCallbacks = (socket) => ({
sayHiBack: () => socket.emit('Hi, back.'),
bindSocketIoHandlers(io, socket, handlers, myCallbacks(socket));
These methods will then be accessible along with the default callbacks in your handler function:
// handlers.js
export const sayHello = ({ sayHi }) => sayHi();
If your handler returns a promise that rejects, or if it throws an error, the client socket will be sent an event of type 'applicationError'
, with the error message as a payload:
// handlers.js
export const sayHello = ({ sayHi }) => Promise.reject(new Error('not today, thanks'));
will result in:
socket.emit('applicationError', { message: 'not today, thanks' });