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Understanding RL

Understanding RL
Environment PongNoFrameskip-v4

Goals of the repo:

  • Demystify RL algorithms by providing minimal, pytorch object-oriented implementations and it's accompanying pseudocode and explanation
    • I also provide quick explanations on typical Pytorch tricky manipulations, like .squeeze() or .detach() (at the end of repo)
  • Support my theory notes
  • Practice implementing algorithms


  • Accompanying theory notes 📕
  • Minimal and Object Oriented code for simple (Semi Gradient Sarsa) and state of the art algorithms (PPO-Clip)
  • Understandable and intuitive logging via experience tracking
  • Easy reward and loss plotting
  • Hyperparameter Tuning (in < 40 lines of code for all algorithms)*
  • Intuitive terminal interface (in < 50 lines)


  • These implementations aren't supposed to be used in research, but for full-transparency learning.
    As so, no testing capabilities or pre-trained models are provided.


Algorithm Lines of Code Verified Environments
Semi Gradient Sarsa < 100 CartPole-v1
Reinforce with Baseline < 100 CartPole-v1
Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient (DDPG) ~ 150 HalfCheetah-v2 , Pendulum-v1
N Step Actor Critic < 150 CartPole-v1, LunarLander-v2
Double Deep Q Network (DDQN) < 200 CartPole-v1, LunarLander-v2, PongNoFrameskip-v4
Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO) < 200 CartPole-v1, LunarLander-v2, Pendulum-v1


For a complete description run

pyhton -h


python --algo <algo> --env <env>


          ├─config.txt >> Contains agent configuration 
          ├─log.txt >> Stdout output (useful for customization)
          └─results.csv >> CSV of Rewards and Loss

For example running

python --algo ddqn --env CartPole-v1

will yield

          ├─config.txt >> Contains agent configuration 
          ├─log.txt >> Stdout output (useful for customization)
          └─results.csv >> CSV of Rewards and Loss
  • Running again does not overwrite, but appends new experiments <algo>/logs/<env> folder
  • The files begin to be written as soon as the experiment starts. Hence interrupting via CTRL+C will still yield plottable results.
  • You can also delete last experiment by running the same command with -d or --delete flag

Tune / Optimize

This is mostly helpful if you plan on adding different environments. It uses optuna to run several hyperparameter combinations and picks the best.

python --algo ddpg --env Pendulum-v1 --optimize --n-trials 100


          ├─config.txt >> Contains agent configuration 
          ├─log.txt >> Stdout output (useful for customization)
          └─results.csv >> CSV of Rewards and Loss
  • You can cancel it with CTRL+C
  • For simplicity, all hyperparameter suggestions are done in core.optuna_create method. I'll leave the tweaking around for you.


Used for plotting losses and rewards

python --algo <algo> --env <env> --plot <experiment>

Ex: python --algo ppo --env CarPole-v1 --plot experiment_6

Would open

Example Plotting of PPO results in CartPole-v1

Example Plotting of DDQN results in Atari Pong

  • <experiment> can be ommited and it will use latest experience for specified algorithm and environment.


  • put pseudocde image into every folder
  • run every algorithm and put some graphs
  • Add at least 2 environments per main algorithm
  • unify all
  • consistent signature across all algorithms
  • Add Atari onto DQN
  • add logging
    • To csv
  • explain folder structure
  • experiment manager
  • add no test disclaimer
  • separate plotting from main execution (use intermidiary csv)
  • vectorized environments. (Check stable_baselines3/common/vec_env)
  • unit tests to verify all algos work (take a look at rl-baselines3-zoo/tests)
  • Allow for video saving
  • Allow for model saving

other improvements

  • Create Environment class with run_episode code


  • In case you run into ROM license troubles when running PongNoFrameskip-v4, run
pip install "gym[atari,accept-rom-license]"

Be aware that this accepts the ROM license for you.

Pytorch tricks

  • .squeeze(...)
    • This "squeezes" dim=1 of the array. Useful for when you're working with slightly different tensor shapes. Ex: tensor of dims [32,1].squeeze() -> [32,]
  • .unsqueeze(...)
    • Kind of the reverse of .squeeze(), as it adds in one dimension. Ex: tensor of dims [32,].unsqueeze(1) -> [32, 1]
  • .view(...)
    • Like .unsqueeze() but you could do weirder manipulations (change several dimensions). Ex tensor of shape [2,2] .view(4,1) -> [4,1]
  • detach()
    • Detaches tensor from gradient calculations. Useful when you want to make predicitons, without backpropagating. ( Ex: DDQN target network)