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nvim-cmp Buffer Lines




nvim-cmp Buffer Lines is a completion source for nvim-cmp that provides a source for all the lines in the current buffer. This is especially useful for C programmers. It uses tree-sitter if you have it installed on your system. tree-sitter is optional but recommended.


require "packer".startup(function(use)
    use "amarakon/nvim-cmp-buffer-lines"


require "cmp".setup {
    sources = {
            name = "buffer-lines",
            option = { … }


Option Type Default Description
words Boolean false Include words
comments Boolean false Include comments
line_numbers Boolean false Include line numbers in the completion menu (does not apply on selection/confirmation)
line_number_separator String " " The separator between the line number and the line text (only used if line_numbers is set.
leading_whitespace Boolean true Include leading whitespace in the completion menu (does not apply on selection/confirmation)
max_indents Number 0 Maximum indentation level lines can be shown (0-indexed). For example, lines with one or more indents will not be shown when this is set to 1. Set to 0 to show an unlimited amount of indents.
max_size Number 100 Maximum file size (in kB) for which this plugin will be activated


You can use this source for searching for patterns in the command-line. I recommend using it in conjunction with cmp-buffer for a bread-and-butter combination. The following code block is the configuration I use and recommend.

-- Enable `buffer` and `buffer-lines` for `/` and `?` in the command-line
require "cmp".setup.cmdline({ "/", "?" }, {
    mapping = require "cmp".mapping.preset.cmdline(),
    sources = {
            name = "buffer",
            option = { keyword_pattern = [[\k\+]] }
        { name = "buffer-lines" }

Only for certain file types

-- Only enable `buffer-lines` for C and C++
require "cmp".setup.filetype({ "c", "cpp" }, {
    sources = {
        { name = "buffer-lines" }


  • Automatically update the source
  • Cut comments from lines
    • Test it to prove it works in all use cases
    • Find a more efficient implementation with tree-sitter or LSP (Language Server Protocol)
  • Omit duplicate lines
  • Add an option to show line numbers
  • Show indentation level in the completion menu, but not when selecting or confirming
  • Add an option to choose the maximum indentation level lines will be shown
  • Make the plugin more efficient for editing large files
  • Add an option to set a file size limit
  • Add configuration options
  • Add syntax highlighting
  • Use the current buffer instead of buffer 0
    • Add an option to use all buffers


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