Name: Trojan:Win32/Generic.78682e8f
Compilation: Compiler: EP:Microsoft Visual C/C++(6.0 (1720-9782))[EXE32]
This is extended version of Lab 6-2 with one more function insode:
.text:00401210 sub_401210 proc near ; CODE XREF: start+AF↓p
.text:00401210 var_8 = byte ptr -8
.text:00401210 var_4 = dword ptr -4
.text:00401210 arg_4 = dword ptr 0Ch
.text:00401210 push ebp
.text:00401211 mov ebp, esp
.text:00401213 sub esp, 8
.text:00401216 call connect_check
.text:0040121B mov [ebp+var_4], eax
.text:0040121E cmp [ebp+var_4], 0
.text:00401222 jnz short loc_401228
.text:00401224 xor eax, eax
.text:00401226 jmp short loc_40126D
.text:00401228 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00401228 loc_401228: ; CODE XREF: sub_401210+12↑j
.text:00401228 call command_extraction
.text:0040122D mov [ebp+var_8], al
.text:00401230 movsx eax, [ebp+var_8]
.text:00401234 test eax, eax
.text:00401236 jnz short loc_40123C
.text:00401238 xor eax, eax
.text:0040123A jmp short loc_40126D
.text:0040123C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0040123C loc_40123C: ; CODE XREF: sub_401210+26↑j
.text:0040123C movsx ecx, [ebp+var_8]
.text:00401240 push ecx
.text:00401241 push offset aSuccessParsedC ; "Success: Parsed command is %c\n"
.text:00401246 call sub_401271
.text:0040124B add esp, 8
.text:0040124E mov edx, [ebp+arg_4]
.text:00401251 mov eax, [edx]
.text:00401253 push eax ; lpExistingFileName
.text:00401254 mov cl, [ebp+var_8]
.text:00401257 push ecx ; char
.text:00401258 call malware_install
.text:0040125D add esp, 8
.text:00401260 push 0EA60h ; dwMilliseconds
.text:00401265 call ds:Sleep
.text:0040126B xor eax, eax
.text:0040126D loc_40126D: ; CODE XREF: sub_401210+16↑j
.text:0040126D ; sub_401210+2A↑j
.text:0040126D mov esp, ebp
.text:0040126F pop ebp
.text:00401270 retn
.text:00401270 sub_401210 endp
Instead of doing printf for command it will call sub.00401258
Here is new function signature:
.text:00401130 malware_install proc near ; CODE XREF: sub_401210+48↓p
.text:00401130 var_8 = dword ptr -8
.text:00401130 phkResult = dword ptr -4
.text:00401130 arg_0 = byte ptr 8
.text:00401130 lpExistingFileName= dword ptr 0Ch
New function will perfom some actions on filysystem, and arguments are used for it. lpExistingFileName
Will be used for filename creation
Function contains switch statement for multiple commands/activities:
.text:00401153 jmp ds:jpt_401153[edx*4] ; switch jump
.text:0040115A ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0040115A loc_40115A: ; CODE XREF: malware_install+23↑j
.text:0040115A ; DATA XREF: .text:jpt_401153↓o
.text:0040115A push 0 ; jumptable 00401153 case 97
.text:0040115C push offset PathName ; "C:\\Temp"
.text:00401161 call ds:CreateDirectoryA
.text:00401167 jmp loc_4011EE
.text:0040116C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0040116C loc_40116C: ; CODE XREF: malware_install+23↑j
.text:0040116C ; DATA XREF: .text:jpt_401153↓o
.text:0040116C push 1 ; jumptable 00401153 case 98
.text:0040116E push offset Data ; "C:\\Temp\\cc.exe"
.text:00401173 mov eax, [ebp+lpExistingFileName]
.text:00401176 push eax ; lpExistingFileName
.text:00401177 call ds:CopyFileA
.text:0040117D jmp short loc_4011EE
.text:0040117F ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0040117F loc_40117F: ; CODE XREF: malware_install+23↑j
.text:0040117F ; DATA XREF: .text:jpt_401153↓o
.text:0040117F push offset Data ; jumptable 00401153 case 99
.text:00401184 call ds:DeleteFileA
.text:0040118A jmp short loc_4011EE
.text:0040118C ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:0040118C loc_40118C: ; CODE XREF: malware_install+23↑j
.text:0040118C ; DATA XREF: .text:jpt_401153↓o
.text:0040118C lea ecx, [ebp+phkResult] ; jumptable 00401153 case 100
.text:0040118F push ecx ; phkResult
.text:00401190 push 0F003Fh ; samDesired
.text:00401195 push 0 ; ulOptions
.text:00401197 push offset SubKey ; "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVe"...
.text:0040119C push 80000002h ; hKey
.text:004011A1 call ds:RegOpenKeyExA
.text:004011A7 push 0Fh ; cbData
.text:004011A9 push offset Data ; "C:\\Temp\\cc.exe"
.text:004011AE push 1 ; dwType
.text:004011B0 push 0 ; Reserved
.text:004011B2 push offset ValueName ; "Malware"
.text:004011B7 mov edx, [ebp+phkResult]
.text:004011BA push edx ; hKey
.text:004011BB call ds:RegSetValueExA
.text:004011C1 test eax, eax
.text:004011C3 jz short loc_4011D2
.text:004011C5 push offset aError31CouldNo ; "Error 3.1: Could not set Registry value"...
.text:004011CA call sub_401271
.text:004011CF add esp, 4
.text:004011D2 loc_4011D2: ; CODE XREF: malware_install+93↑j
.text:004011D2 jmp short loc_4011EE
.text:004011D4 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004011D4 loc_4011D4: ; CODE XREF: malware_install+23↑j
.text:004011D4 ; DATA XREF: .text:jpt_401153↓o
.text:004011D4 push 186A0h ; jumptable 00401153 case 101
.text:004011D9 call ds:Sleep
.text:004011DF jmp short loc_4011EE
.text:004011E1 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:004011E1 def_401153: ; CODE XREF: malware_install+1A↑j
.text:004011E1 push offset aError32NotAVal ; jumptable 00401153 default case
.text:004011E6 call sub_401271
.text:004011EB add esp, 4
For each block of switch statement we can observe following "features":
to create "C:\Temp" directoryCopyFileA
in order to drop a file in the filesystem: into "C:\Temp\cc.exe" - it means copy himself to this locationDeleteFileA
- Remove target file from the systemRegSetValueExA
- Set new key in the windows registry- Sleep
.text:0040118C lea ecx, [ebp+phkResult] ; jumptable 00401153 case 100
.text:0040118F push ecx ; phkResult
.text:00401190 push 0F003Fh ; samDesired
.text:00401195 push 0 ; ulOptions
.text:00401197 push offset SubKey ; "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVe"...
.text:0040119C push 80000002h ; hKey
.text:004011A1 call ds:RegOpenKeyExA
.text:004011A7 push 0Fh ; cbData
.text:004011A9 push offset Data ; "C:\\Temp\\cc.exe"
.text:004011AE push 1 ; dwType
.text:004011B0 push 0 ; Reserved
.text:004011B2 push offset ValueName ; "Malware"
.text:004011B7 mov edx, [ebp+phkResult]
.text:004011BA push edx ; hKey
.text:004011BB call ds:RegSetValueExA
.text:004011C1 test eax, eax
.text:004011C3 jz short loc_4011D2
.text:004011C5 push offset aError31CouldNo ; "Error 3.1: Could not set Registry value"...
.text:004011CA call sub_401271
.text:004011CF add esp, 4
Simple creates new entry in the registry for dropped file
- Registry change
with valueMalware
and data "C:\Temp\cc.exe" - Malware executable
Extended version of 6-2 with command execution feature that includes:
to create "C:\Temp" directoryCopyFileA
in order to drop a file in the filesystem: into "C:\Temp\cc.exe" - it means copy himself to this locationDeleteFileA
- Remove target file from the systemRegSetValueExA
- Set new key in the windows registry- Sleep 100 seconds
It looks more like a real trojan
Total score 10/10