An lightweight extension to Selenium Python.
It's inspired by Selenide from Java world and
obsolete Selene
- Selen-kaa is easy integrated with your existing Selenium code,
- Sele-kaa doesn't break any line of your existing project!
- Selen-kaa is compatible with any standard Selenium methods.
For instance:
# Your old Selenium code
browser = webdriver.Chrome()
# The same works with `selen-kaa`
from se_wrapper.webdriver import SeWebDriver
browser = BrowserDriver(webdriver.Chrome()) # wrap your browser to SeWebDriver
# any methods from the WebDriver works!
element = browser.find_element_by_css(".test-class")
Besides standard Selenium, Selen-kaa introduces more convenient way to
interact with a web page and web elements through init_web_element()
and init_all_web_elements()
What it gives you? Possibility to create the web element in __init__()
method of a Page Object,
as the WebDriver would search this element only at the time of interaction with it:
browser = BrowserDriver(webdriver.Chrome())
class MyPage:
def __init__():
# lazy creation of a web element
# it's safe, you would have no NoSuchElementException
# even if `self.element1` has not been rendered yet on the web page,
self.element1 = browser.init_web_element("#test")
page = MyPage()
browser.get("") # WebDriver would `find_element` and click it only on this step
returns SeWebElement
object, which has attributes
of standard WebElement but with additional logic of lazy initialization,
custom waits and conditions.
returns SeElementsArray
- a collection of
objects with the same lazy initialization logic.
element1 = browser.init_web_element("#test")
element1.should.be_visible(timeout=4) # wait 4 seconds until element becomes visible
elements = browser.init_all_web_elements(".test-class")
elements[0].should.have_exact_text(text="first element", timeout=4)
When SeWebDriver
initializes a new SeWebElement
it waits for the element
with a default timeout (4 seconds), so you don't need to handle waits your self!
Use css selector or xpath for SeWebElement initialization:
browser.init_web_element("//div//a[contains(@href, '/imgres')]")
Wait for element with css selector ".test-class" to be visible.
Condition should
raises Timeout exception if the element is not visible within timeout
Condition expect
returns True if the element is visible or False if it is not visible within timeout
browser = BrowserDriver(webdriver.Chrome()) # wrap your browser to SeWebDriver
element = browser.init_web_element(".test-class")
Wait for element with css selector ".test-class" to be invisible.
Wait for element with css selector ".test-class" to have class.
element.should.have_class(expected_class, timeout)
element.expect.have_class(expected_class, timeout)
Wait for element with css selector ".test-class" to include another element with css or xpath selector.
element.should.include_element(child_selector, timeout)
element.expect.include_element(child_selector, timeout)
Wait for element with css selector ".test-class" to contain a text.
would be True for "text" in "this is fulltext."
element.should.contain_text(text, timeout)
element.expect.contain_text(text, timeout)
Wait for element with css selector ".test-class" to have_similar_text. Not precise comparision, e.g. returns True for: "some" in "this is some text", " test\n" and "test", "TEST" and "test". Ignores whitespaces and is case insensitive.
element.should.have_similar_text(text, timeout)
element.expect.have_similar_text(text, timeout)
Wait for element with css selector ".test-class" to have exact text. Strict comparision "text == text"
element.should.have_exact_text(text, timeout)
element.expect.have_exact_text(text, timeout)
Wait for element with css selector ".test-class" to be not present in dom.
Wait for element with css selector ".test-class" to be on the screen. Checks if element's coordinates match viewport height and width.