Welcome to NutriFacts app, developed by Amr Abdelhady (Narify on Google Play Store).
This is an open-source cross-platform app developed by Amr Salah Abdelhady. The source code is available on GitHub and the app is also available on Google Play Store for Android.
I take privacy very seriously. I know how bad it is when apps collect your data without your knowledge and permission.
The app uses these permissions to access the internet connection and the state of the networks:
INTERNET: Used to access the internet connection to be able to get food information and nutrition facts data from the server.
ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE: Used to determine WIFI and mobile cellular network status for the app to show that it could not get data when no network connection.
If you find any security vulnerability that has been inadvertently caused by the app, or have any questions regarding how the app protects your privacy, please contact us:
Narify: kaminariapps@gmail.com