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fabric8 uses a CLI that makes installing fabric8 locally or on remote Kubernetes based clusters very easy.

gofabric8 also has lots of handy commands that makes it easier to work with fabric8 and OpenShift / Kubernetes

Download gofabric8

Download the latest gofabric8 release from GitHub or run this script:

curl -sS | bash

add the binary to your $PATH so you can execute it

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/.fabric8/bin' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

or for oh-my-zsh

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:~/.fabric8/bin' >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc


If you are on linux then first you must install the KVM driver.

Setup GitHub client ID and secret

We now have GitHub integration letting you browse + create new repositories, edit projects and setup automated CI / CD jobs with webhooks on github.

This requires an OAuth application to be setup on your github account for fabric8 and you need to obtain the client ID and secret for the OAuth application.

We need to set up an oauth client in GitHub so we can reuse their authentication, initially with a dummy redirect URI until gofabric8 gives us the correct one once the external keycloak URL is avaialble.

So please follow the steps below using the a redirect URL such as:

http://keycloak-fabric8.{minishift ipv4 value}

and as the sample homepage URL:

Register OAuth App

Once you have created the OAuth application for fabric8 in your github settings and found your client ID and secret then set the env vars below replacing the values:



If you're starting from scratch and don't have minishift / minikube installed or the client binaries used to interact with them or drivers even, then simply run:


gofabric8 start --package=system  --namespace fabric8


gofabric8 start --minishift --package=system  --namespace fabric8

Which should download all you need, start a kubernetes cluster and install fabric8 on top. Log into fabirc8 as "developer/developer"

Otherwise please read on for more detail on the different options.

Deploying to Minikube

We require a recent version of minikube. If you are upgrading from an old installation of minikube we recommend you run something like this for minikube:

minikube delete
sudo rm -rf ~/.minikube

Then download the latest minikube release and put it into your PATH.

Then to start minikube and install fabric8 type:

minikube start --vm-driver=xhyve --cpus=5 --disk-size=50g --memory=8000
minikube addons enable ingress
gofabric8 deploy --package system -n fabric8

If the minikube start command fails please see the minikube instructions

Deploying to Minishift

If you are on linux then first you must install the KVM driver.

We require a recent release of minishift. If you are upgrading from an old installation of minishift we recommend you run something like this for minikube:

minishift delete
sudo rm -rf ~/.minishift
minishift update
  • Make sure you have a recent (3.5 of openshift or 1.5 of origin later) distribution of the oc binary on your $PATH
oc version
minishift start --vm-driver=xhyve --memory=7000 --cpus=4 --disk-size=50g

or on any other operating system (feel free to add the --vm-driver parameter of your choosing):

minishift start --memory=7000 --cpus=4 --disk-size=50g

If the minishift start command fails please see the minishift instructions

  • now use gofabric8
gofabric8 deploy --package system -n fabric8

Installing on remote public Kubernetes clusters

Get a connection to your cluster so that the following command works:

kubectl get nodes

Now deploy fabric8:

gofabric8 deploy --package system --http=true --legacy=false -n fabric8

By default we will use the magic domain when generating ingress rules when deployed as above. If you provide your own domain string that you want fabric8 to use when generating ingress rules then we also deploy kube-lego which will automatically generate + refresh signed certificates for you.

To use this option and have https signed certs generated automatically for your domain run this instead:

gofabric8 deploy --package system --domain --legacy=false -n fabric8

Though please be aware that if you omit the --http=true CLI flag then HTTPS will be used with cert generation via kube-lego; which works great but you will get rate limited if you try to reinstall fabric8 a few times into the same domain which will result in this error.

Sticking with HTTP instead of HTTPS is our best option until kube-lego supports wildcard DNS or can reuse the same Certs across reinstalls of fabric8.

Installing on remote public OpenShift clusters

Installing on a remote public OpenShift clusters will be the same process as the Kubernetes install. You make sure you are logged in into the remote OpenShift cluster first before deploying :

oc login

And deploy as per the instructions for Kubernetes remote install.

If you have deployed with the oc cluster up command you may run into some selinux issues and you have to run this command to change the context of the local volumes to allow to write to it :

chcon -Rt svirt_sandbox_file_t /var/lib/origin/openshift.local.volumes/

Local development

If you are developing locally and want to deploy custom version of YAML then you can clone this repo and run:

mvn clean install  -DskipTests=true

MiniKube / Kubernetes

gofabric8 deploy --namespace fabric8 --legacy=false -y --package=packages/fabric8-system/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/k8s-template.yml

MiniShift / OpenShift

gofabric8 deploy --namespace fabric8 --legacy=false -y --package=packages/fabric8-system/target/classes/META-INF/fabric8/openshift.yml

Accept the insecure URLs in your browser - remote OpenShift clusters ONLY

Currently there are 4 different URLS that Chrome will barf on and you'll have to explcitily click on the ADVANCED button then click on the URL to tell your browser its fine to trust the URLs before you can open and use the new fabric8 console

The above script should list the 4 URLs you need to open separately and approve.

We hope to figure out a nicer alternative to this issue! The problem is things like lenscript only work for public hosted URLs; whereas running locally on MiniShift we're local but use to provide a global URL to your local machine (to simplify having to do DNS magic on your laptop). If you fancy trying to help fix this please check out this MiniShift issue


  • Pods fail to start - init container issues: check the init container logs
oc logs foo -c init-container-name


I need to manually create the OAuthCLient

Creating OAuthClients requires cluster permissions so not everyone has this. If you need to manually create or request the OAuthclient be created you can use this (remember to replace $YOUR_DOMAIN with your domain)

oc login -u system:admin

cat <<EOF | oc create -f -
kind: OAuthClient
apiVersion: v1
  name: fabric8-online-platform
secret: fabric8
- "http://keycloak-fabric8.$YOUR_DOMAIN/auth/realms/fabric8/broker/openshift-v3/endpoint"
grantMethod: prompt