10/28/2020 - 11/09/2020
- Finalize OFA MVP milestone path and get consensus with product team
- Get clarity on Login.gov access and start session management, roles and permission management
- Complete user interviews and begin to synthesize and apply findings
- Updated product roadmap to deliver OFA MVP and shared with product team, OFA data team, and OCIO
- Delivered feature to validate user inputs when creating a new user profile
- Completed user interviews for round 3 research
- Discussed with OCIO to move ACF AMS implementation post OFA MVP
- Delivered accessiblity plan - Section 508 PAT - for Technical Review Board (TRB)
- As a user, I can fill out and submit a form to create my profile
- As an STT user, I want to participate in research (round 3)
- (Internal) Define the scope and timeline for MVP
- [Design] Update #164 mockup with design change to meet OFA MVP
- (Internal) Discuss process to merge PR to main HHS repo
- As a compliance person, I need to know the accessibility plan (Section 508 PAT)
- As a tadpole, I want to understand how my work supports the roadmap
- As an admin, I want to see dev-ready mockups of deactivating users from the TDP system
- (Internal) Migrate items from wiki to Code<> doc
- (Internal) Update product board and roadmap with outcome of user story workshop
- (Internal) Define the scope and timeline for MVP
- [Design] Update #164 mockup with design change to meet OFA MVP
- As an admin, I want to see dev-ready mockups of deactivating users from the TDP system
- As a product team, we need to understand how users navigate TDP flow
- Continue to build test user login and account management features
- Complete research synthesis for Round 3
- Draft and deliver artifacts for technical review board meeting scheduled for Dec 10
- Update wiki and link to Code docs