- local OS X install, R 4.2.3
- GitHub actions
- win-builder (devel and release)
There were no notes, errors or warnings.
On win-builder I got a warning about a possibly invalid DOI in the DESCRIPTION. But when I checked this the DOI worked perfectly.
The R-hub runs failed because it couldn't find JAGS but I think this is a missing dependency on R-hub rather than a problem with the package (or a missing option that I need to add in somehow).
Error occuring on macOS 14 with plotting per mille symbol, have replaced this in the examples/vignette
Updated version number
When I previously submitted the package there was a note about requiring C++11 which I have now fixed by removing that specification. TDF functions have been removed as these can be carried out using the SIDER package. Added value to R files to explain function results in the documentation. This package is 7.8MB as it is C++ based. () added to all function names in the description texts. Changed dontrun to donttest. Removed setting options and used supressWarnings instead
Package size was too large. Version number was not updated.
There are currently no reverse dependencies