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File metadata and controls

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API Reference

If you're new to react-animatronics, I suggest going through the Walkthrough first.

API overview:

import {
} from 'react-animatronics'

Table of Contents



import { Animatronics } from 'react-animatronics'

<Animatronics animations={ animations }>{
  ({ playAnimation, cancelAnimation, reset }) => {}

<Animatronics> is a component that takes two required props:

  • animations: see the Declaring Animations section
  • children: must be a function that returns a React element

It will pass the following props to its children:

  • playAnimation(name?: string, callback?: Function): function that takes an optional string name and optional callback function
    • when called with no arguments, it will run the "default" animation and return a promise that resolves when the animation is finished
    • when called with a single name argument, it will run the named animation and return a promise that resolves when the animation is finished
    • when called with a single callback argument, it will run the "default" animation and call the callback when the animation is finished
    • when called with a name and a callback argument, it will run the named animation and call the callback when the animation is finished
  • cancelAnimation(name?: string): function that takes an optional string name
    • when called with no arguments, it will cancel all currently running animations
    • when called with a name argument, it will cancel the currently running, named animation
  • reset(): function that takes no arguments
    • cancels all currently running animations and sets the animatronicStyles for every controlled component to the empty object



import { Control } from 'react-animatronics'

<Animatronics animations={ animations }>{
  () => (
    <Control name={ name }>{
      ({ animatronicStyles }) => {}

<Control> is a component that takes two required props:

  • name: string name to assign to the controlled component
  • children: must be a function that returns a React element

If will pass the following props to its children:

  • animatronicStyles: arbitrary object that contains interpolated animation values

Every <Control> must have an ancestor <Animatronics> component.



import { withAnimatronics } from 'react-animatronics'

const Component = ({ playAnimation, cancelAnimation, reset }) => {};

const AnimatedComponent = withAnimatronics(animations)(Component);

withAnimatronics is a function that takes a single argument:

It returns a higher-order component and is an interchangeable, alternative to the <Animatronics> component.



import { withControl } from 'react-animatronics'

const Component = ({ animatronicStyles }) => {};

const ControlledComponent = withControl(name)(Component);

withControl is a function that takes a single arugment:

  • name: string name to assign to the controlled component

It returns a higher-order component and is an interchangeable, alternative to the <Control> component.



import { DebugPanel } from 'react-animatronics'

<DebugPanel />

<DebugPanel> is a component that will help you debug any animation that goes through react-animatronics. It takes no props, so you can simply insert it anywhere in your app and it will render a panel that allows you to play back your animations.



import { BezierEasing } from 'react-animatronics'

BezierEasing(0.4, 0.0, 0.2, 1.0)

BezierEasing is a function that takes four numbers which represent the control points of a bezier-curve. It comes taken straight from the bezier-easing library and is meant to be used in animations with custom easing.

Declaring Animations

The goal of this section is to understand what the animations prop that you pass into <Animatronics> (or withAnimatronics) can be:

const animations = /* this is what we care about */

<Animatronics animations={ animations }></Animatronics>

We'll start off by saying the animations prop is a collection of Phase objects. It can be an array, object, or function. Here's what I mean in terms of type definitions:

ArrayAnimations = Array<Phase>

ObjectAnimations = {
  [string]: ArrayAnimations

FunctionAnimations = DOMNodes => ArrayAnimations|ObjectAnimations

animations = ArrayAnimations|ObjectAnimations|FunctionAnimations

As an object, it maps arbitrary animation names to an array of phases. You can execute the named animations individually by passing the name into the playAnimation function.

As a function, it must return a collection of phases that is either an array or an object. The function will receive a single object argument of DOMNodes that maps the <Control> name to the component's DOM element:

DOMNodes = {
  [string]: DOMElement

The Phase object maps the <Control> name to Animation objects:

Phase = {
  [string]: Animation

The Animation object can describe a timed or spring animation:

TimedAnimation = {
  duration: number,
  from: object,
  to: object,
  delay: number, // optional

SpringAnimation = {
  stiffness: number,
  damping: number,
  from: object,
  to: object,
  delay: number, // optional

An Animation can also be an array of the objects described above:

Animation = Array<TimedAnimation|SpringAnimation>

When declared this way, the animations will execute in parallel.