Pizza Coffee Bagels brings a simple answer to a simple question, where are the best 3 pizza, coffee, or bagel establishments nearby? Pizza Coffee Bagels uses the Yelp API, to provide users a no-nonsense listing of the top spots.
Living in New York City, the options for pizza, coffee, and bagels are endless, so I wanted to build an app that provides only the top places.
Built with
- Provides the top 3 locations for either pizza, coffee or bagels
- Custom designed Bagel icon with InkScape
- Uses jQuery hide/remove options
**Making an API call to Yelp for best pizza
app.get("/pizza", function(req, res){{ term: "best slice of pizza", location: req.query.address, sort: 0 && 2,
limit: 3, radius_filter: 1000})
res.render("pizza", {data: data});
.catch(function (){
**Using jQuery to remove bagel/coffee icons after selecting pizza
$("#pizzaPic").on("click", function(){
$(this).removeClass('col-md-4 col-sm-4');