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Multi threaded Programming: Review Questions

rushingseas8 edited this page Dec 12, 2016 · 21 revisions

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Is the following code thread-safe? Redesign the following code to be thread-safe. Hint: A mutex is unnecessary if the message memory is unique to each call.

static char message[20];
pthread_mutex_t mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

void format(int v) {
  sprintf(message, ":%d:" ,v);
  return message;


Which one of the following does not cause a process to exit?

  • Returning from the pthread's starting function in the last running thread.
  • The original thread returning from main.
  • Any thread causing a segmentation fault.
  • Any thread calling exit.
  • Calling pthread_exit in the main thread with other threads still running.


Write a mathematical expression for the number of "W" characters that will be printed by the following program. Assume a,b,c,d are small positive integers. Your answer may use a 'min' function that returns its lowest valued argument.

unsigned int a=...,b=...,c=...,d=...;

void* func(void* ptr) {
  char m = * (char*)ptr;
  if(m == 'P') sem_post(s);
  if(m == 'W') sem_wait(s);
  return NULL;

int main(int argv, char**argc) {
  sem_init(s,0, a);
  while(b--) pthread_create(&tid,NULL,func,"W"); 
  while(c--) pthread_create(&tid,NULL,func,"P"); 
  while(d--) pthread_create(&tid,NULL,func,"W"); 
  /*Process will finish when all threads have exited */


Complete the following code. The following code is supposed to print alternating A and B. It represents two threads that take turns to execute. Add condition variable calls to func so that the waiting thread does not need to continually check the turn variable. Q: Is pthread_cond_broadcast necessary or is pthread_cond_signal sufficient?

pthread_cond_t cv = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;
pthread_mutex_t m = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;

void* turn;

void* func(void* mesg) {
  while(1) {
// Add mutex lock and condition variable calls ...

    while(turn == mesg) { 
        /* poll again ... Change me - This busy loop burns CPU time! */ 

    /* Do stuff on this thread */
    puts( (char*) mesg);
    turn = mesg;
  return 0;

int main(int argc, char** argv){
  pthread_t tid1;
  pthread_create(&tid1, NULL, func, "A");
  func("B"); // no need to create another thread - just use the main thread
  return 0;


Identify the critical sections in the given code. Add mutex locking to make the code thread safe. Add condition variable calls so that total never becomes negative or above 1000. Instead the call should block until it is safe to proceed. Explain why pthread_cond_broadcast is necessary.

int total;
void add(int value) {
 if(value < 1) return;
 total += value;
void sub(int value) {
 if(value < 1) return;
 total -= value;


A non-threadsafe data structure has size() enq and deq methods. Use condition variable and mutex lock to complete the thread-safe, blocking versions.

void enqueue(void* data) {
  // should block if the size() would be become greater than 256
void* dequeue() {
  // should block if size() is 0
  return deq();


Your startup offers path planning using latest traffic information. Your overpaid intern has created a non-threadsafe data structure with two functions: shortest (which uses but does not modify the graph) and set_edge (which modifies the graph).

graph_t* create_graph(char* filename); // called once

// returns a new heap object that is the shortest path from vertex i to j
path_t* shortest(graph_t* graph, int i, int j); 

// updates edge from vertex i to j
void set_edge(graph_t* graph, int i, int j, double time); 

For performance, multiple threads must be able to call shortest at the same time but the graph can only be modified by one thread when no threads other are executing inside shortest or set_edge.

Use mutex lock and condition variables to implement a reader-writer solution. An incomplete attempt is shown below. Though this attempt is threadsafe (thus sufficient for demo day!), it does not allow multiple threads to calculate shortest path at the same time and will not have sufficient throughput.

path_t* shortest_safe(graph_t* graph, int i, int j) {
  path_t* path = shortest(graph, i, j);
  return path;
void set_edge_safe(graph_t* graph, int i, int j, double dist) {
  set_edge(graph, i, j, dist);
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