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API Documentation

Thomas Burleson edited this page Feb 27, 2017 · 94 revisions

HTML API (Declarative)

Below are the links to the documentation pages for each directive within the @angular/flex-layout API.

  • API Overview:
    Introduction to static and responsive API and BreakPoints details.


API for DOM container elements [with 1 or more nested child elements]:

  • fxLayout:
    Defines the flow order of child items within a flexbox container.
    <div fxLayout="column"> </div>
  • fxLayoutWrap :
    Defines if child items appear on a single line or on multiple lines within a flexbox container.
    <div fxLayoutWrap> </div>
  • fxLayoutGap:
    Defines if child items within a flexbox container should have a gap.
    <div fxLayoutGap="10px"> </div>
  • fxLayoutAlign:
    Defines how flexbox items are aligned according to both the main-axis and the cross-axis, within a flexbox container.
    <div fxLayoutAlign="start stretch"> </div>

### Child Elements within Containers

API for DOM elements nested within FlexBox container elements:

  • fxFlex:
    This markup specifies the resizing of its host element within a flexbox container flow.
    <div fxFlex="1 2 calc(15em + 20px)"></div>

  • fxFlexOrder:
    Defines the order of a flexbox item.
    <div fxFlexOrder="2"></div>

  • fxFlexOffset:
    Offset a flexbox item in its parent container flow layout.
    <div fxFlexOffset="20px"></div>

  • fxFlexAlign:
    Works like fxLayoutAlign, but applies only to a single flexbox item, instead of all of them.
    <div fxFlexAlign="center"></div>

  • fxFlexFill:
    Maximizes width and height of element in a layout container
    <div fxFlexFill></div>

### Special Features

API for any DOM element:

  • fxShow:
    This markup specifies if its host element should be displayed (or not).
    <div fxShow></div>

  • fxHide:
    This markup specifies if its host element should NOT be displayed.
    <div fxHide></div>

  • class: (deprecated)

  • ngClass :
    Enhances the ngClass directive with support for mediaQuery activations.
    <div []="{'fxClass-sm': hasStyle}"></div>

  • style: (deprecated)

  • ngStyle:
    Enhances the ngStyle directive with suport for mediaQuery activations.
    <div [ngStyle.xs]="{'font-size.px': 10, color: 'blue'}"></div>

JavaScript API (Imperative)

Most of the @angular/flex-layout functionality is provided via Directives. Three (3) programmatic features are published for developer access:

  • ObservableMedia:
    Injectable Observable used to subscribe to MediaQuery activation changes.
    constructor(public watcher$:ObservableMedia ) { watcher$.subscribe(...); }

    Opaque token used to override or extend the default breakpoints with custom MediaQuery breakpoints.
    providers: [{provide: BREAKPOINTS, useValue: MY_CUSTOM_BREAKPOINTS }]

  • BaseFxDirectiveAdapter:
    Adapter class useful to extend existing Directives with MediaQuery activation features.
    export class ClassDirective extends NgClass { ... }

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