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File metadata and controls

135 lines (107 loc) · 7.58 KB

Background and design of mediacacherd


There are basically two good open source media transcoding softwares out there that I'm aware of: GStreamer and ffmpeg/avconv. GStreamer is widely used, seems to be well-maintained and has bindings for many languages. It seems that nobody is really using ffmpeg in their multimedia processing code. Most examples I've seen just construct command lines and execute them in a shell. I believe that it's really hard to make a good program based on subprocessing external programs and parsing their output, so I'd like to avoid that. Furthermore, I have some previous experience in creating simple GStreamer pipelines, so GStreamer is what I chose for the server.

I really want a reason to do a Scala project soon. Unfortunately there seems to be no good Java/Scala bindings for GStreamer 1.0. There is an unmaintained project that has developed Java bindings for GStreamer 0.10[1], but I'm not looking to start a new project based on legacy code. As his GSoC project for 2014, a guy started to rewrite the gstreamer-java bindings for GStreamer 1.0, but I could never get his code to compile. So, for the server I settled with Python, which has good bindings for GStreamer 1.0.

The code used for the transcoder is based on a sample from a Ubuntu Wiki page about porting a project to GStreamer 1.0.

Because the number of concurrent jobs will be fairly low (around the number of CPU cores in the machine), even though they take a significant amount of time to process, I've opted to make the server handle requests synchronously. The backend will only be used by computers, not humans, so there is not much need for a fancy progress indicator during the upload. The requester should be happy to wait for the result, which might take tens of seconds to process.

For the same reasons I've opted for the simple approach of letting the web server spawn a new worker process for every incoming request. A more scalable solution is probably to split the server into two applications that are communicating through a queuing system like Redis. Again, the frequency of submitted jobs is expected to be fairly low so there will not be any problems with the web server running out of resources.

There will probably be a short duration between jobs where one CPU core is not doing anything useful because the client is busy downloading the resulting file and uploading the next job, occupying a worker process. The simple workaround is to overload the server slightly, by submitting a few more jobs than there are CPU cores available and letting the operating system schedule all of them to run concurrently. The number of concurrent jobs then varies between n and n + o, instead of between n - o and n, where n is the number of cores and o is the overload constant. When a new job is submitted and the number of running jobs are equal to n + o, the web server should respond with a HTTP 503 Service Unavailable.

The web server could simply use multiple processes and handle the heavy processing itself, but as I want the number of concurrent jobs to be variable depending on how much overloading is allowed, I opted to make it threaded instead and letting the web server spawn or fork a new process when a job is submitted.


The client doesn't care about the audio stream, it just needs to read the metadata (writing metadata is not necessary). This is easier to find Java/Scala libraries for. I found two good candidates: VorbisJava and jaudiotagger.

VorbisJava seems more capable, but also more complex. There are no official up-to-date binaries, so it would have to be bundled with this project. It does not seem to have any code for detecting the media container file type. It can apparently be integrated in Apache Tika, which seems to be able to detect and parse anything containing text in some form. But this is another thick abstraction layer I don't feel like deploying and learning.

The jaudiotagger project was created in 2005 and is still maintained so it should be pretty stable by now. If the commercial is correct it can decode all interesting audio containers. It has functionality to abstract away the different names of field names with the same function in different tagging formats. Updated binary releases are available in VCS. A not that out-of-date Maven repository is also available.

Both were fairly easy to get running. Because of its advantages listed above, I'll use jaudiotagger for now.


The Scala bindings for Swing reportedly work well. However, as JavaFX is intended to replace Swing in the long run, I'd prefer to base my new project on that instead. ScalaFX is a Scala wrapper for JavaFX that is also reportedly nice. JavaFX is included in Java SE as of JDK 7u6, but is broken (see also this and this) in Java 7 and is not included in Debian's and Ubuntu's OpenJDK packages. As nobody likes maintaining legacy software, I doubt this will ever be solved.

JavaFX seems to be more correctly included in Java 8 (compare "bundled with" with "part of"). Perhaps it even works. OpenJDK 8 is not yet packaged for Ubuntu 14.04.

So I built OpenJDK 8 with OpenJFX from source with the help of guides 1 and 2 in cleanroom environment (newly installed Ubuntu 14.04 amd64 VM). I did not get any JavaFX libs in the result.

Next alternative: Install Oracle Java 8. I used Web Upd8's PPA. Everything works now. I would imagine that one could also update Ubuntu to a version that ships OpenJDK 8 (with OpenJFX separately) in the official repositories (>=14.10).


To upload a file with curl and save the returned transcoded file:

$ curl -F file=@'source.flac' http://localhost:5000/api/transcode > dest.ogg

In a real client, the HTTP headers should be checked to make sure that the transcode was actually successful.