Symfony2 bundle for ChatBoilerplate project, It makes it easy to use API of , through ChateaClientBundle and can list users and channels.
Include Bundle to AppKernel.php ( ApiSocialBundle )
new Ant\Bundle\ApiSocialBundle\ApiSocialBundle(),
Include routing.yml
resource: "@ApiSocialBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /
- Ready to use
You can define some filters to get users. Now you can set language, to get users only of a language.
Define in your parameters.yml the following parameter to modify language by default ( es ), example:
users.language: 'en'
You also can establish the limit of the last visits or voyeur to show in the app confing (app/config/config.yml
) under the api_social. If you don't configure it the default value is 3.
visits_limit: 5
voyeur_limit: 5
Also, you can specify the columns to order the user list with the users_orders option (by default no order is specified). Form example:
lastLogin: desc
hasProfilePhoto: desc
The order of the channels list can also be configured under the channels_orders option being the default order by fan desc. To specify for example to order by name asc you should put the following in the config:
lastLogin: asc
The minimum number of votes that a photo must have to appear in the top photos list can be configured under the minimum_votes_for_popular_photos
option. Example:
minimum_votes_for_popular_photos: 5
Other parameters: realtime_endpoint: