Use this script for add user B to all organizations user A is member.
This scripts will add the user as one role only, regardless the original roles.
Target User must be a group member before assigned to orgs.
The command if [ "$i" -lt 1 ]; then is only for first test → Remove it when ready.
set +x
orgs=($(curl -s \\
--request GET \\
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \\
--header "Authorization: ORIGINAL-USER-TOKEN" \\
'<>' | jq --raw-output ' .orgs[].slug, .orgs[].id, .orgs[]' ))
let total=total/3
echo "Found" $total "orgs"
for (( i=0; i<$total; i++ ));
let ii=i+total
let iii=total+total+i
# Group ID - #org ID - ORG-name
if [ "$i" -lt 1 ]; then
echo "----------------"
echo "${orgs[$iii]}" "\\t" "${orgs[$ii]}" "\\t" "${orgs[$i]}" ;
curl --include \\
--request POST \\
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \\
--header "Authorization: YOUR-TOKEN" \\
--data-binary "{
\\"userId\\": \\"TARGET-USER_ID\\",
\\"role\\": \\"collaborator\\"
}" \\
echo "----------------"