Customers are requesting license report not aggregated by licenses are we currently have on our UI.
Use existing Dependencies API to get the data and build a new report, without aggregation.
This solution uses pysnyk (GitHub - snyk-labs/pysnyk: A Python client for the Snyk API. ) . Need to install it before using.
Copyright information is limited for npm and maven.
note: it is not looping the pagination. For real cases need to loop until all pages are read
from urllib2 import Request, urlopen
import json
import csv
def json_load_byteified(file_handle):
return _byteify(
json.load(file_handle, object_hook=_byteify),
def json_loads_byteified(json_text):
return _byteify(
json.loads(json_text, object_hook=_byteify),
#function to get string without unicode u prefix
def _byteify(data, ignore_dicts = False):
# if this is a unicode string, return its string representation
if isinstance(data, unicode):
return data.encode('utf-8')
# if this is a list of values, return list of byteified values
if isinstance(data, list):
return [ _byteify(item, ignore_dicts=True) for item in data ]
# if this is a dictionary, return dictionary of byteified keys and values
# but only if we haven't already byteified it
if isinstance(data, dict) and not ignore_dicts:
return {
_byteify(key, ignore_dicts=True): _byteify(value, ignore_dicts=True)
for key, value in data.iteritems()
# if it's anything else, return it in its original form
return data
values = """
"filters": {
"languages": [
"projects": [],
"dependencies": [],
"licenses": [],
"severity": [
"depStatus": ""
values = """
"filters": {
"projects": ["YOUR-PROJECTS"]
#be awere of pagination -> call in loop until no more pages
headers = {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'Authorization': 'YOUR-TOKEN'
request = Request('<>', data=values, headers=headers)
response_body = urlopen(request).read()
#print response_body#
#dep = json.loads(response_body)
dep = json_loads_byteified(response_body)
ii = 0
with open('./dependencies.csv', mode='w') as dependecyFile:
dependecyFile = csv.writer(dependecyFile, delimiter=',', quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL)
dependecyFile.writerow( [ "Project ID" ,"Project Name" ,"License Id" , "License Title" , "License" , "Package Id", " Package Name", "Package Version" ,"Package Type","Copyrights"])
for deps in dep['results']:
#print (dep["results"][ii]['id']), "\\t"
#print (dep['results'][ii]['id']) ,'\\t', (dep['results'][ii]['name']) ,'\\t', (dep['results'][ii]['version']) ,'\\t', (dep['results'][ii]['type']),'\\t'
depId = (dep['results'][ii]['id'])
depName = (dep['results'][ii]['name'])
depVer = (dep['results'][ii]['version'])
depType = (dep['results'][ii]['type'])
for lics in dep['results'][ii]['licenses']:
#print (dep['results'][ii]['licenses'][iii]['id']) , '\\t' ,dep['results'][ii]['licenses'][iii]['title'] ,'\\t' , dep['results'][ii]['licenses'][iii]['license']
licId = (dep['results'][ii]['licenses'][iii]['id'])
licTitle = dep['results'][ii]['licenses'][iii]['title']
licLicense = dep['results'][ii]['licenses'][iii]['license']
if 'copyright' in dep['results'][ii]:
#print (dep['results'][ii]['copyright'])
copy = (dep['results'][ii]['copyright'])
#reset iii for loop on projs
for projs in dep['results'][ii]['projects']:
#print (dep['results'][ii]['projects'][iii]['id']) , '\\t' ,dep['results'][ii]['projects'][iii]['name'] ,'\\t'
projID = (dep['results'][ii]['projects'][iii]['id'])
projName = dep['results'][ii]['projects'][iii]['name']
#print projID , "t" , projName, "\\t" , licId , "\\t", licTitle , "\\t", licLicense , "\\t" , depName, "\\t", depVer , "\\t", copy
dependecyFile.writerow( [ projID ,projName,licId , licTitle , licLicense , depId, depName, depVer ,depType,copy])
ii= ii+1