language: node_js node_js: - "12.13.0" sudo: required dist: bionic services: - docker addons: chrome: stable before_install: - export DISPLAY=:99.0 - "/sbin/start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /tmp/ --make-pidfile --background --exec /usr/bin/Xvfb -- :99 -ac -screen 0 1366x768x24" - sleep 3 install: - npm install - ssh-keyscan -t rsa >> ~/.ssh/known_hosts filter_secrets: false branches: only: - master - v2-master - e2e-tests cache: directories: - "$HOME/.npm" - "$HOME/.cache" - node_modules stages: - Lint - Build - Test jobs: include: - stage: Lint name: Frontend Lint script: - npm run lint - name: Backend Lint before_script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/" - go get -u script: - golint src/jetstream/... - ./deploy/ci/travis/ - stage: Build name: Build Frontend and Backend env: - CI_ENV=true script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/ build" - stage: Test name: Frontend Unit Tests env: - CI_ENV=true script: - npm run test - npm run codecov - name: Backend Unit Tests script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/" after_success: - npm run codecov-backend - name: Helm Chart Unit Tests script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/" - name: E2E Tests - Long Suites before_script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/" script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/ longSuite" - name: E2E Tests - Long CF Service Suites before_script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/" script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/ longServicesSuite" - name: E2E Tests - Manage Users before_script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/ true" script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/ manageUsers" - name: E2E Tests - Core before_script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/ true" script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/ core" - name: E2E Tests - Autoscaler before_script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/" script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/ autoscaler" - name: E2E Tests - CF Summary and below before_script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/" script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/ cfSummaryAndBelow" - name: E2E Tests - All Other Suite before_script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/" script: - "./deploy/ci/travis/ fullMinusOtherSuites" notifications: slack: secure: 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