The CarbonData fileformat is now integrated as Spark datasource for read and write operation without using CarbonSession. This is useful for users who wants to use carbondata as spark's data source.
Note: You can only apply the functions/features supported by spark datasource APIs, functionalities supported would be similar to Parquet. The carbon session features are not supported. The result is displayed as byte array format when select query on binary column in spark-sql.
Now you can create Carbon table using Spark's datasource DDL syntax.
[(col_name1 col_type1 [COMMENT col_comment1], ...)]
[OPTIONS (key1=val1, key2=val2, ...)]
[PARTITIONED BY (col_name1, col_name2, ...)]
[CLUSTERED BY (col_name3, col_name4, ...) INTO num_buckets BUCKETS]
[COMMENT table_comment]
[TBLPROPERTIES (key1=val1, key2=val2, ...)]
[AS select_statement]
Property | Default Value | Description |
table_blocksize | 1024 | Size of blocks to write onto hdfs. For more details, see Table Block Size Configuration. |
table_blocklet_size | 64 | Size of blocklet to write. |
table_page_size_inmb | 0 | Size of each page in carbon table, if page size crosses this value before 32000 rows, page will be cut to that many rows. Helps in keep page size to fit cache size |
local_dictionary_threshold | 10000 | Cardinality upto which the local dictionary can be generated. For more details, see Local Dictionary Configuration. |
local_dictionary_enable | false | Enable local dictionary generation. For more details, see Local Dictionary Configuration. |
sort_columns | all dimensions are sorted | Columns to include in sort and its order of sort. For more details, see Sort Columns Configuration. |
sort_scope | local_sort | Sort scope of the load.Options include no sort, local sort, batch sort, and global sort. For more details, see Sort Scope Configuration. |
long_string_columns | null | Comma separated string/char/varchar columns which are more than 32k length. For more details, see String longer than 32000 characters. |
NOTE: please set long_string_columns for varchar column.
Carbon format can be used in dataframe also. Following are the ways to use carbon format in dataframe.
Write carbon using dataframe
Read carbon using dataframe
val df ="carbon").load(path)
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
val spark = SparkSession
.appName("Spark SQL basic example")
.config("spark.some.config.option", "some-value")
// For implicit conversions like converting RDDs to DataFrames
import spark.implicits._
val df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(1 to 10 * 10 * 1000)
.map(x => (r.nextInt(100000), "name" + x % 8, "city" + x % 50, BigDecimal.apply(x % 60)))
.toDF("ID", "name", "city", "age")
// Write to carbon format
// Read carbon using dataframe
val dfread ="carbon").load("/user/person_table")
In addition to the above Supported Options, following properties are supported using dataframe.
Property | Default Value | Description |
bucket_number | NA | Number of buckets to be created. For more details, see Bucketing. |
bucket_columns | NA | Columns which are to be placed in buckets. For more details, see Bucketing. |
streaming | false | Whether the table is a streaming table. For more details, see Streaming. |
timestampformat | yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss | For specifying the format of TIMESTAMP data type column. For more details, see TimestampFormat. |
dateformat | yyyy-MM-dd | For specifying the format of DATE data type column. For more details, see DateFormat. |
SPATIAL_INDEX | NA | Used to configure Spatial Index name. This name is appended to SPATIAL_INDEX in the subsequent sub-property configurations. xxx in the below sub-properties refer to index name. Generated spatial index column is not allowed in any properties except in SORT_COLUMNS table property.For more details, see Spatial Index. | | NA | Type of algorithm for processing spatial data. Currently, supports 'geohash' and 'geosot'. | | NA | longitude and latitude column names as in the table. These columns are used to generate index value for each row. | | NA | Latitude of origin. | | NA | Grid size of raster data in metres. Currently, spatial index supports raster data. | | NA | Conversion factor. It allows user to translate longitude and latitude to long. For example, if the data to load is longitude = 13.123456, latitude = 101.12356. User can configure conversion ratio sub-property value as 1000000, and change data to load as longitude = 13123456 and latitude = 10112356. Operations on long is much faster compared to floating-point numbers. | | NA | Optional user custom implementation class. Value is fully qualified class name. |
Reference : list of carbon properties