This release includes:
- Improve CLI mode usage and output handling
- Add support for http POST handling for password and user-data
- Optimise async API jobs polling
- Better interrupt handling of Ctrl+C to cancel on-going API request but not
crash `cmk`
- Remove unnecessary call to listApis (sync) when using CLI mode with url,
api key, secret key
- Updates inbuilt API precache to ACS v4.19
Installation instruction for Linux/Mac OSX:
1. wget <file url>
2. chmod +x <cmk binary file>
3. mv <cmk binary file> /bin/cmk
Old docs:
Version and build details:
Apache CloudStack 🐵 CloudMonkey 6.4.0 (build: df65df7, 2024-03-21T16:03:36+0530)
usage: cmk [flags] [commands|apis] [-h]
CloudMonkey (cmk) 🐵 is a command line interface for Apache CloudStack.
Allowed flags:
-h Show this help message or API doc when specified after an API
-v Print version
-o API response output format: json, text, table, column, csv
-p Server profile
-d Enable debug mode
-c Different config file path
-u CloudStack's API endpoint URL
-s CloudStack user's secret Key
-k CloudStack user's API Key
Default commands:
exit Exits
help Help
set Configures options for cmk
sync Discovers and updates APIs
version Version info
MD5 checksums:
MD5 (cmk.darwin.arm64) = 86461a687acdfdfa9516c6b4dd69462d
MD5 (cmk.darwin.x86-64) = a6f1b3a96ad3befd1843b7d7b790a521
MD5 (cmk.linux.arm32) = 2cc72a1c4450dd1e5ee67997339afe29
MD5 (cmk.linux.arm64) = 916ea0fc73029675cfeac970f5cf97df
MD5 (cmk.linux.x86) = ad25115dd2a93158e7d2bf8bfa0de259
MD5 (cmk.linux.x86-64) = ac043411e1827341551bbcf13b7c4817
MD5 ( = e61d1fb8583f3a3507002b4e01198010
MD5 ( = 94bb9524dfb24efa8f4fbeefaefef07e
SHA-256 checksums:
ee8956b96ba8e2567499b435221dcb7bab3e4ae2321ee79efee1bd9779b2bc59 cmk.darwin.arm64
402f4c6604cae27e57d1c72cb694e1f76209ca36b7d50b12302d43ff780cf960 cmk.darwin.x86-64
6e45a44b765dbbfea3acd90546c6065f63554df46bf97ac9d6387a49773ddb87 cmk.linux.arm32
f0b9878ae759530dd50e71d1df60186c03d8d8b6e6862c66fc3ea2103337ee26 cmk.linux.arm64
d667201787c655ce5f9d5be4f98fd9dc614f5ebdbe1a2f0190d6bdb3f6e658e2 cmk.linux.x86
8458d4fae5b805845b41479b3a83a384bef72317a08221ce44df8d816bee01ae cmk.linux.x86-64
Full Changelog: 6.3.0...6.4.0