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Gateways hangs or returns an error when using multiple shareable levels #3116

nogates opened this issue Aug 14, 2024 · 0 comments


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nogates commented Aug 14, 2024

Issue Description

We are in the process of migrating fields and types between subgraphs. For this reason, we have many levels of shareble items across the two subrgaphs. Consider this examplen of product-legacy subgraph

extend schema
    url: ""
    import: [

interface Product @key(fields: "id", resolvable: true) {
  id: ID!
  description: String
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]!

type Computer implements Product @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  description: String
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]! @shareable
  cpu: String

type Monitor implements Product @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  description: String
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]! @shareable
  resolution: String

type Mouse implements Product @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  description: String
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]! @shareable
  dpi: String

interface ProductMetadataValue
  @key(fields: "_fieldId _productId", resolvable: true) {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  productMetadata: ProductMetadata!

interface ProductMetadata {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

type TextProductValue implements ProductMetadataValue
  @key(fields: "_fieldId _productId")
  @shareable {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  textValue: String!
  productMetadata: TextProductMetadata!

type TextProductMetadata implements ProductMetadata @shareable {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

interface User @key(fields: "id", resolvable: true) {
  email: String
  id: ID!

type Agent implements User @key(fields: "id", resolvable: true) @shareable {
  email: String
  id: ID!
  name: String

type Customer implements User @key(fields: "id", resolvable: true) @shareable {
  id: ID!
  email: String
  name: String

type Query {
  product(id: ID!): Product @shareable

We have the main Product interface, and thee individual types that implement that interface (Computer, Monitor and Mouse). Each Product can have metadata values, that are interfaces that point to underlaying types.

Now, we have a very similar schema for product-new subgraph, and once again, we are leveraging @shareble so we can add both types in both subgrapahs (at this point of time, either subgraph can resovle the data)

extend schema
    url: ""
    import: [

interface Product @key(fields: "id", resolvable: true) {
  id: ID!
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]!

type Computer implements Product @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]! @shareable @override(from: "product-1")

type Monitor implements Product @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]! @shareable

type Mouse implements Product @key(fields: "id") {
  id: ID!
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]! @shareable
interface ProductMetadataValue
  @key(fields: "_fieldId _productId", resolvable: true) {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  productMetadata: ProductMetadata!

interface ProductMetadata {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

type TextProductValue implements ProductMetadataValue
  @key(fields: "_fieldId _productId")
  @shareable {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  textValue: String!
  productMetadata: TextProductMetadata!

type TextProductMetadata implements ProductMetadata @shareable {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

type User @interfaceObject @key(fields: "id", resolvable: true) {
  id: ID!

More or less exactly the same. Only differences is, product-2 subgraph doesn't care about User implementations and uses interfaceObject, and main Product types don't include all the fields.

This works fine, and I get the expected behaviour

Problem is, when we start adding more of this ProductMetadata shared types... (we have more than 10! DropDown, Mutli and Single options, CreditCard, Dates, etc...)... After adding 6 of these types in both subgraphs, the Gateway code fails and blows up NodeJS

<--- Last few GCs --->

[52658:0x7fa930008000]   179699 ms: Scavenge 4010.4 (4111.7) -> 3995.7 (4097.6) MB, pooled: 0 MB, 5.09 / 0.00 ms  (average mu = 0.329, current mu = 0.502) allocation failure;
[52658:0x7fa930008000]   182387 ms: Mark-Compact 4011.7 (4112.9) -> 3943.3 (4045.1) MB, pooled: 0 MB, 2676.98 / 0.00 ms  (average mu = 0.243, current mu = 0.171) allocation failure; scavenge might not succeed

<--- JS stacktrace --->

FATAL ERROR: Ineffective mark-compacts near heap limit Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory

Adding more than 10 produces a different error actually

{"code":"INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR","stacktrace":["RangeError: Invalid array length","    at flatCartesianProduct (/app/node_modules/@apollo/query-graphs/dist/graphPath.js:1291:21)","    at advanceSimultaneousPathsWithOperation (/app/node_modules/@apollo/query-graphs/dist/graphPath.js:1245:24)","    at QueryPlanningTraversal.handleOpenBranch (/app/node_modules/@apollo/query-planner/dist/buildPlan.js:151:96)","    at QueryPlanningTraversal.findBestPlan (/app/node_modules/@apollo/query-planner/dist/buildPlan.js:136:18)","    at computeRootParallelBestPlan (/app/node_modules/@apollo/query-planner/dist/buildPlan.js:2012:36)","    at computeRootParallelDependencyGraph (/app/node_modules/@apollo/query-planner/dist/buildPlan.js:2008:12)","    at computePlanInternal (/app/node_modules/@apollo/query-planner/dist/buildPlan.js:1945:33)","    at QueryPlanner.buildQueryPlan (/app/node_modules/@apollo/query-planner/dist/buildPlan.js:1822:24)","    at /app/node_modules/@apollo/gateway/dist/index.js:79:58","    at (node:async_hooks:346:14)"]}}],

And the GW returns a 500 with internal error server

Link to Reproduction

not yet

Reproduction Steps

Use this supergraph with latest version of Gateway:

  @link(url: "")
  @link(url: "", for: EXECUTION)
  @link(url: "", for: SECURITY) {
  query: Query


directive @join__directive(
  graphs: [join__Graph!]
  name: String!
  args: join__DirectiveArguments

directive @join__enumValue(graph: join__Graph!) repeatable on ENUM_VALUE

directive @join__field(
  graph: join__Graph
  requires: join__FieldSet
  provides: join__FieldSet
  type: String
  external: Boolean
  override: String
  usedOverridden: Boolean
  overrideLabel: String
  contextArguments: [join__ContextArgument!]

directive @join__graph(name: String!, url: String!) on ENUM_VALUE

directive @join__implements(
  graph: join__Graph!
  interface: String!
) repeatable on OBJECT | INTERFACE

directive @join__type(
  graph: join__Graph!
  key: join__FieldSet
  extension: Boolean! = false
  resolvable: Boolean! = true
  isInterfaceObject: Boolean! = false

directive @join__unionMember(
  graph: join__Graph!
  member: String!
) repeatable on UNION

directive @link(
  url: String
  as: String
  for: link__Purpose
  import: [link__Import]
) repeatable on SCHEMA

type Agent implements User
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "User")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "id", resolvable: true) {
  email: String
  id: ID!
  name: String

type BakAccountMetadata implements ProductMetadata
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_) {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

type BakAccountValue implements ProductMetadataValue
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "_fieldId _productId")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "_fieldId _productId") {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  iban: String!
  productMetadata: BakAccountMetadata!

type Computer implements Product
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "Product")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "Product")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "id")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "id") {
  id: ID!
  description: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]!
    @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_1_, usedOverridden: true)
    @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_2_, override: "product-1")
  cpu: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_1_)

type CreaditCardMetadata implements ProductMetadata
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_) {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

type CreaditCardValue implements ProductMetadataValue
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "_fieldId _productId")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "_fieldId _productId") {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  creditCardNumber: String!
  productMetadata: CreaditCardMetadata!

type Customer implements User
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "User")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "id", resolvable: true) {
  id: ID!
  pepein: String
  email: String
  name: String

type DateMetadata implements ProductMetadata
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_) {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

type DateValue implements ProductMetadataValue
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "_fieldId _productId")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "_fieldId _productId") {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  date: String!
  productMetadata: DateMetadata!

type DropDownMetadata implements ProductMetadata
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_) {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

type DropDownValue implements ProductMetadataValue
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "_fieldId _productId")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "_fieldId _productId") {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  dropDownValue: String!
  productMetadata: DropDownMetadata!

input join__ContextArgument {
  name: String!
  type: String!
  context: String!
  selection: join__FieldValue!

scalar join__DirectiveArguments

scalar join__FieldSet

scalar join__FieldValue

enum join__Graph {
  PRODUCT_1_ @join__graph(name: "product-1", url: "")
  PRODUCT_2_ @join__graph(name: "product-2", url: "")

scalar link__Import

enum link__Purpose {
  `SECURITY` features provide metadata necessary to securely resolve fields.

  `EXECUTION` features provide metadata necessary for operation execution.

type Monitor implements Product
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "Product")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "Product")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "id")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "id") {
  id: ID!
  description: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]!
  resolution: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_1_)

type Mouse implements Product
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "Product")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "Product")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "id")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "id") {
  id: ID!
  description: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]!
  dpi: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_1_)

type MultipleOptionMetadata implements ProductMetadata
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_) {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

type MultipleOptionValue implements ProductMetadataValue
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "_fieldId _productId")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "_fieldId _productId") {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  multipleOptionValue: String!
  productMetadata: MultipleOptionMetadata!

interface Product
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "id", resolvable: true)
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "id", resolvable: true) {
  id: ID!
  description: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  metadata: [ProductMetadataValue!]!

interface ProductMetadata
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_) {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

interface ProductMetadataValue
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "_fieldId _productId", resolvable: true)
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "_fieldId _productId", resolvable: true) {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  productMetadata: ProductMetadata!

type Query @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_) @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_) {
  product(id: ID!): Product @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_1_)

type SingleOptionMetadata implements ProductMetadata
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_) {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

type SingleOptionValue implements ProductMetadataValue
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "_fieldId _productId")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "_fieldId _productId") {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  singleOptionValue: String!
  productMetadata: SingleOptionMetadata!

type TextProductMetadata implements ProductMetadata
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadata")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_) {
  id: ID!
  createdAt: String!
  createdBy: User

type TextProductValue implements ProductMetadataValue
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_1_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__implements(graph: PRODUCT_2_, interface: "ProductMetadataValue")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "_fieldId _productId")
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_2_, key: "_fieldId _productId") {
  _fieldId: ID! @inaccessible
  _productId: ID! @inaccessible
  textValue: String!
  productMetadata: TextProductMetadata!

interface User
  @join__type(graph: PRODUCT_1_, key: "id", resolvable: true)
    graph: PRODUCT_2_
    key: "id"
    resolvable: true
    isInterfaceObject: true
  ) {
  email: String @join__field(graph: PRODUCT_1_)
  id: ID!

Launch this query:

query TestProductMetadataValues($productId: ID!) {
      product(id: $productId) {
        metadata {
          productMetadata {

with variable productId: 1234

the process will hang for ever and will eventually run out of memory

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