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Appsody Operator

The Appsody Operator can be used to deploy applications created by Appsody Application Stacks into OKD or OpenShift clusters.

This documentation refers to the latest codebase. For documentation and samples of older releases, please check out the main releases page and navigate the corresponding tag.

Operator installation

Use the instructions for one of the releases to install the operator into a Kubernetes cluster.

The Appsody Operator can be installed to:

  • watch own namespace
  • watch another namespace
  • watch multiple namespaces
  • watch all namespaces in the cluster

Appropriate cluster roles and bindings are required to watch another namespace, watch multiple namespaces or watch all namespaces.

NOTE: The Appsody Operator can only interact with resources it is given permission to interact through Role-based access control (RBAC). Some of the operator features require interacting with resources in other namespaces. In that case, the operator must be installed with correct ClusterRole definitions.


The architecture of the Appsody Operator follows the basic controller pattern: the Operator container with the controller is deployed into a Pod and listens for incoming resources with Kind: AppsodyApplication. Creating an AppsodyApplication custom resource (CR) triggers the Appsody Operator to create, update or delete Kubernetes resources needed by the application to run on your cluster.

Each instance of AppsodyApplication CR represents the application to be deployed on the cluster:

kind: AppsodyApplication
  name: my-appsody-app
  stack: java-microprofile
    type: ClusterIP
    port: 9080
  expose: true
    size: 2Gi
    mountPath: "/logs"


Custom Resource Definition (CRD)

The following table lists configurable parameters of the AppsodyApplication CRD. For complete OpenAPI v3 representation of these values please see AppsodyApplication CRD.

Each AppsodyApplication CR must at least specify the applicationImage parameter. Specifying other parameters is optional.

Parameter Description
stack The name of the Appsody Application Stack that produced this application image.
version The current version of the application. Label will be added to all resources when the version is defined.
serviceAccountName The name of the OpenShift service account to be used during deployment.
applicationImage The Docker image name to be deployed. On OpenShift, it can also be set to <project name>/<image stream name>[:<tag>] to reference an image from an image stream. If <project name> and <tag> values are not defined, they default to the namespace of the CR and the value of latest, respectively.
applicationName The name of the application this resource is part of. If not specified, it defaults to the name of the CR.
createAppDefinition A boolean to toggle the automatic configuration of Kubernetes resources for the AppsodyApplication CR to allow creation of an application definition by kAppNav. The default value is true. See Application Navigator for more information.
pullPolicy The policy used when pulling the image. One of: Always, Never, and IfNotPresent.
pullSecret If using a registry that requires authentication, the name of the secret containing credentials.
initContainers The list of Init Container definitions.
sidecarContainers The list of sidecar containers. These are additional containers to be added to the pods. Note: Sidecar containers should not be named app.
architecture An array of architectures to be considered for deployment. Their position in the array indicates preference.
bindings.embedded A YAML object that represents a ServiceBindingRequest custom resource.
bindings.autoDetect A boolean to toggle whether the operator should automatically detect and use a ServiceBindingRequest resource with <CR_NAME>-binding naming format. The default value for this parameter is true.
bindings.resourceRef The name of a ServiceBindingRequest custom resource created manually in the same namespace as the application.
service.portName The name for the port exposed by the container.
service.targetPort The port that the appsody application uses within the container. Defaults to the value of service.port.
service.ports An array consisting of service ports.
service.type The Kubernetes Service Type.
service.nodePort Node proxies this port into your service. Please note once this port is set to a non-zero value it cannot be reset to zero.
service.annotations Annotations to be added to the service.
service.certificate A YAML object representing a Certificate.
service.certificateSecretRef A name of a secret that already contains TLS key, certificate and CA to be mounted in the pod.
service.provides.category Service binding type to be provided by this CR. At this time, the only allowed value is openapi.
service.provides.protocol Protocol of the provided service. Defaults to http.
service.provides.context Specifies the context root of the service.
service.provides.auth.username Optional value to specify username as SecretKeySelector.
service.provides.auth.password Optional value to specify password as SecretKeySelector.
service.consumes An array consisting of services to be consumed by the AppsodyApplication.
service.consumes[].category The type of service binding to be consumed. At this time, the only allowed value is openapi.
service.consumes[].name The name of the service to be consumed. If binding to an AppsodyApplication, then this would be the provider's CR name.
service.consumes[].namespace The namespace of the service to be consumed. If binding to an AppsodyApplication, then this would be the provider's CR namespace.
service.consumes[].mountPath Optional field to specify which location in the pod, service binding secret should be mounted. If not specified, the secret keys would be injected as environment variables.
createKnativeService A boolean to toggle the creation of Knative resources and usage of Knative serving.
expose A boolean that toggles the external exposure of this deployment via a Route or a Knative Route resource.
replicas The static number of desired replica pods that run simultaneously.
autoscaling.maxReplicas Required field for autoscaling. Upper limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler. It cannot be lower than the minimum number of replicas.
autoscaling.minReplicas Lower limit for the number of pods that can be set by the autoscaler.
autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage Target average CPU utilization (represented as a percentage of requested CPU) over all the pods.
resourceConstraints.requests.cpu The minimum required CPU core. Specify integers, fractions (e.g. 0.5), or millicore values(e.g. 100m, where 100m is equivalent to .1 core). Required field for autoscaling.
resourceConstraints.requests.memory The minimum memory in bytes. Specify integers with one of these suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K, or power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki.
resourceConstraints.limits.cpu The upper limit of CPU core. Specify integers, fractions (e.g. 0.5), or millicores values(e.g. 100m, where 100m is equivalent to .1 core).
resourceConstraints.limits.memory The memory upper limit in bytes. Specify integers with suffixes: E, P, T, G, M, K, or power-of-two equivalents: Ei, Pi, Ti, Gi, Mi, Ki.
env An array of environment variables following the format of {name, value}, where value is a simple string. It may also follow the format of {name, valueFrom}, where valueFrom refers to a value in a ConfigMap or Secret resource. See Environment variables for more info.
envFrom An array of references to ConfigMap or Secret resources containing environment variables. Keys from ConfigMap or Secret resources become environment variable names in your container. See Environment variables for more info.
readinessProbe A YAML object configuring the Kubernetes readiness probe that controls when the pod is ready to receive traffic.
livenessProbe A YAML object configuring the Kubernetes liveness probe that controls when Kubernetes needs to restart the pod.
volumes A YAML object representing a pod volume.
volumeMounts A YAML object representing a pod volumeMount.
storage.size A convenient field to set the size of the persisted storage. Can be overridden by the storage.volumeClaimTemplate property.
storage.mountPath The directory inside the container where this persisted storage will be bound to.
storage.volumeClaimTemplate A YAML object representing a volumeClaimTemplate component of a StatefulSet.
monitoring.labels Labels to set on ServiceMonitor.
monitoring.endpoints A YAML snippet representing an array of Endpoint component from ServiceMonitor.
route.annotations Annotations to be added to the service. Hostname to be used for the Route.
route.path Path to be used for Route.
route.termination TLS termination policy. Can be one of edge, reencrypt and passthrough.
route.insecureEdgeTerminationPolicy HTTP traffic policy with TLS enabled. Can be one of Allow, Redirect and None.
route.certificate A YAML object representing a Certificate.
route.certificateSecretRef A name of a secret that already contains TLS key, certificate and CA to be used in the route. Also can contain destination CA certificate.

Basic usage

To deploy a Docker image containing an Appsody based application to a Kubernetes environment you can use the following CR:

kind: AppsodyApplication
 name: my-appsody-app
 stack: java-microprofile

The applicationImage value must be defined in the AppsodyApplication CR. On OpenShift, the operator tries to find an image stream name with the applicationImage value. The operator falls back to the registry lookup if it is not able to find any image stream that matches the value. If you want to distinguish an image stream called my-company/my-app (project: my-company, image stream name: my-app) from the Docker Hub my-company/my-app image, you can use the full image reference as

The stack parameter must be the same value as the Appsody application stack you used to create your application.

To get information on the deployed CR, use either of the following:

oc get appsodyapplication my-appsody-app
oc get app my-appsody-app

The short name for appsodyapplication is app.

Common Component Documentation

Appsody Application Operator is based on the generic Runtime Component Operator. To see more information on the usage of common functionality, see the Runtime Component Operator documentation below. Note that, in the samples from the links below, the instances of Kind: RuntimeComponent must be replaced with Kind: AppsodyApplication.

For functionality that is unique to the Appsody Application Operator, see the following sections.

Operator Configuration

When the operator starts, it creates two ConfigMap objects that contain default and constant values for individual stacks in AppsodyApplication.

Stack defaults

ConfigMap appsody-operator-defaults contains the default values for each stack. When users do not provide values inside their AppsodyApplication resource, the operator will look up default values inside this stack defaults map.

Input resource:

kind: AppsodyApplication
  name: my-appsody-app
  stack: java-microprofile

Since in the AppsodyApplication resource service port and type are not set, they will be looked up in the default ConfigMap and added to the resource. It will be set according to the stack field. If the appsody-operator-defaults doesn't have the stack with a particular name defined then the operator will use generic stack's default values.

After defaults are applied:

kind: AppsodyApplication
  name: my-appsody-app
  stack: java-microprofile
    port: 9080
    type: ClusterIP  

Stack Constants ConfigMap

appsody-operator-constants ConfigMap contains the constant values for each stack. These values will always be used over the ones that users provide. This can be used to limit the user's ability to control certain fields such as expose. It also provides the ability to set environment variables that are always required.

Input resource:

kind: AppsodyApplication
  name: my-appsody-app
  stack: java-microprofile
  expose: true
  -  name: DB_URL
     value: url

After constants are applied:

kind: AppsodyApplication
  name: my-appsody-app
  stack: java-microprofile
  expose: false
  -  name: VENDOR
     value: COMPANY
  -  name: DB_URL
     value: url     


See the troubleshooting guide for information on how to investigate and resolve deployment problems.