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[AIP-20][Discussion] Generic Cryptography Algebra and BLS12-381 Implementation #94

zjma opened this issue Apr 1, 2023 · 7 comments


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zjma commented Apr 1, 2023

AIP Discussion

Discussion and feedback thread for AIP.

Link to AIP: #86


This AIP proposes the support of generic cryptography algebra operations in Aptos standard library.

The initial list of the supported generic operations includes group/field element serialization/deserialization, basic arithmetic, pairing, hash-to-structure, casting.

The initial list of supported algebraic structures includes groups/fields used in BLS12-381, a popular pairing-friendly curve as described here.

Either the operation list or the structure list can be extended by future AIPs.


Algebraic structures are fundamental building blocks for many cryptographic schemes, but also hard to implement efficiently in pure Move.
This change should allow Move developers to implement generic constructions of those schemes, then get different instantiations by only switching the type parameter(s).

For example, if BLS12-381 groups and BN254 groups are supported, one can implement a generic Groth16 proof verifier construction, then be able to use both BLS12-381-based Groth16 proof verifier and BN254-based Groth16 proof verifier.

BLS12-381-based Groth16 proof verifier has been implemented this way as part of the reference implementation.


An alternative non-generic approach is to expose instantiated schemes directly in aptos_stdlib.
For example, we can define a Groth16 proof verification function
0x1::groth16_<curve>::verify_proof(vk, proof, public_inputs): bool
for every pairing-friendly elliptic curve <curve>.

For ECDSA signatures which require a hash function and a group, we can define
0x1::ecdsa_<hash>_<group>::verify_signature(pk, msg, sig):bool
for each pair of proper hash function <hash> and group <group>.

Compared with the proposed approach, the alternative approach saves the work of constructing the schemes for Move developers. However, the size of aptos_stdlib can multiply too fast in the future.
Furthermore, the non-generic approach is not scalable from a development standpoint: a new native is needed for every combination of cryptosystem and its underlying algebraic structure (e.g., elliptic curve).

To keep the Aptos stdlib concise while still covering as many use cases as possible, the proposed generic approach should be chosen over the alternative approach.


Generic Operations

Structs and Functions

Module aptos_std::crypto_algebra is designed to have the following definitions.

  • A generic struct Element<S> that represents an element of algebraic structure S.
  • Generic functions that represent group/field operations.

Below is the full specification in pseudo-Move.

module aptos_std::crypto_algebra {
    /// An element of the group `G`.
    struct Element<S> has copy, drop;

    /// Check if `x == y` for elements `x` and `y` of an algebraic structure `S`.
    public fun eq<S>(x: &Element<S>, y: &Element<S>): bool;

    /// Convert a u64 to an element of an algebraic structure `S`.
    public fun from_u64<S>(value: u64): Element<S>;

    /// Return the additive identity of field `S`, or the identity of group `S`.
    public fun zero<S>(): Element<S>;

    /// Return the multiplicative identity of field `S`, or a fixed generator of group `S`.
    public fun one<S>(): Element<S>;

    /// Compute `-x` for an element `x` of a structure `S`.
    public fun neg<S>(x: &Element<S>): Element<S>;

    /// Compute `x + y` for elements `x` and `y` of a structure `S`.
    public fun add<S>(x: &Element<S>, y: &Element<S>): Element<S>;

    /// Compute `x - y` for elements `x` and `y` of a structure `S`.
    public fun sub<S>(x: &Element<S>, y: &Element<S>): Element<S>;

    /// Try computing `x^(-1)` for an element `x` of a structure `S`.
    /// Return none if `x` does not have a multiplicative inverse in the structure `S`
    /// (e.g., when `S` is a field, and `x` is zero).
    public fun inv<S>(x: &Element<S>): Option<Element<S>>;

    /// Compute `x * y` for elements `x` and `y` of a structure `S`.
    public fun mul<S>(x: &Element<S>, y: &Element<S>): Element<S>;

    /// Try computing `x / y` for elements `x` and `y` of a structure `S`.
    /// Return none if `y` does not have a multiplicative inverse in the structure `S`
    /// (e.g., when `S` is a field, and `y` is zero).
    public fun div<S>(x: &Element<S>, y: &Element<S>): Option<Element<S>>;

    /// Compute `x^2` for an element `x` of a structure `S`. Faster and cheaper than `mul(x, x)`.
    public fun sqr<S>(x: &Element<S>): Element<S>;

    /// Compute `2*P` for an element `P` of a structure `S`. Faster and cheaper than `add(P, P)`.
    public fun double<G>(element_p: &Element<G>): Element<G>;

    /// Compute `k*P`, where `P` is an element of a group `G` and `k` is an element of the scalar field `S` of group `G`.
    public fun scalar_mul<G, S>(element_p: &Element<G>, scalar_k: &Element<S>): Element<G>;

    /// Compute `k[0]*P[0]+...+k[n-1]*P[n-1]`, where
    /// `P[]` are `n` elements of group `G` represented by parameter `elements`, and
    /// `k[]` are `n` elements of the scalarfield `S` of group `G` represented by parameter `scalars`.
    /// Abort with code `std::error::invalid_argument(E_NON_EQUAL_LENGTHS)` if the sizes of `elements` and `scalars` do not match.
    public fun multi_scalar_mul<G, S>(elements: &vector<Element<G>>, scalars: &vector<Element<S>>): Element<G>;

    /// Efficiently compute `e(P[0],Q[0])+...+e(P[n-1],Q[n-1])`,
    /// where `e: (G1,G2) -> (Gt)` is a pre-compiled pairing function from groups `(G1,G2)` to group `Gt`,
    /// `P[]` are `n` elements of group `G1` represented by parameter `g1_elements`, and
    /// `Q[]` are `n` elements of group `G2` represented by parameter `g2_elements`.
    /// Abort with code `std::error::invalid_argument(E_NON_EQUAL_LENGTHS)` if the sizes of `g1_elements` and `g2_elements` do not match.
    public fun multi_pairing<G1,G2,Gt>(g1_elements: &vector<Element<G1>>, g2_elements: &vector<Element<G2>>): Element<Gt>;

    /// Compute a pre-compiled pairing function (a.k.a., bilinear map) on `element_1` and `element_2`.
    /// Return an element in the target group `Gt`.
    public fun pairing<G1,G2,Gt>(element_1: &Element<G1>, element_2: &Element<G2>): Element<Gt>;

    /// Try deserializing a byte array to an element of an algebraic structure `S` using a given serialization format `F`.
    /// Return none if the deserialization failed.
    public fun deserialize<S, F>(bytes: &vector<u8>): Option<Element<S>>;

    /// Serialize an element of an algebraic structure `S` to a byte array using a given serialization format `F`.
    public fun serialize<S, F>(element: &Element<S>): vector<u8>;

    /// Get the order of structure `S`, a big integer little-endian encoded as a byte array.
    public fun order<G>(): vector<u8>;

    /// Cast an element of a structure `S` to a super-structure `L`.
    public fun upcast<S,L>(element: &Element<S>): Element<L>;

    /// Try casting an element `x` of a structure `L` to a sub-structure `S`.
    /// Return none if `x` is not a member of `S`.
    /// NOTE: Membership check is performed inside, which can be expensive, depending on the structures `L` and `S`.
    public fun downcast<L,S>(element_x: &Element<L>): Option<Element<S>>;

    /// Hash an arbitrary-length byte array `msg` into structure `S` with a domain separation tag `dst`
    /// using the given hash-to-structure suite `H`.
    public fun hash_to<St, Su>(dst: &vector<u8>, msg: &vector<u8>): Element<St>;

    /// Generate a random element of an algebraic structure `S`.
    public fun rand_insecure<S>(): Element<S>;

In general, every structure implements basic operations like (de)serialization, equality check, random sampling.

For example, A group may also implement the following operations. (Additive notions are used.)

  • order() for getting the group order.
  • zero() for getting the group identity.
  • one() for getting the group generator (if exists).
  • neg() for group element inversion.
  • add() for basic group operation.
  • sub() for group element subtraction.
  • double() for efficient group element doubling.
  • scalar_mul() for group scalar multiplication.
  • multi_scalar_mul() for efficient group multi-scalar multiplication.
  • hash_to() for hash-to-group.

As another example, a field may also implement the following operations.

  • order() for getting the field order.
  • zero() for the field additive identity.
  • one() for the field multiplicative identity.
  • add() for field addition.
  • sub() for field subtraction.
  • mul() for field multiplication.
  • div() for field division.
  • neg() for field negation.
  • inv() for field inversion.
  • sqr() for efficient field element squaring.
  • from_u64() for quick conversion from u64 to field element.

Similarly, for 3 groups G1, G2, Gt that admit a bilinear map, pairing<G1, G2, Gt>() and multi_pairing<G1, G2, Gt>() may be implemented.

For a subset/superset relationship between 2 structures, upcast() and downcast() may be implemented.
E.g., in BLS12-381 Gt is a multiplicative subgroup from Fq12 so upcasting from Gt to Fq12 and downcasting from Fq12 to Gt can be supported.

Shared Scalar Fields

Some groups share the same group order,
and an ergonomic design for this is to
allow multiple groups to share the same scalar field
(mainly for the purpose of scalar multiplication),
if they have the same order.

In other words, the following should be supported.

// algebra.move
pub fun scalar_mul<G,S>(element: &Element<G>, scalar: &Scalar<S>)...

// user_contract.move
**let k: Scalar<ScalarForBx> = somehow_get_k();**
let p1 = one<GroupB1>();
let p2 = one<GroupB2>();
let q1 = scalar_mul<GroupB1, ScalarForBx>(&p1, &k);
let q2 = scalar_mul<GroupB2, ScalarForBx>(&p2, &k);

Handling Incorrect Type Parameter(s)

There is currently no easy way to ensure type safety for the generic operations.
E.g., pairing<A,B,C>(a,b,c) can compile even if groups A, B and C do not admin a pairing.

Therefore, the backend should handle the type checks at runtime.
For example, if a group operation that takes 2+ type parameters is invoked with incompatible type parameters, it must abort.
For example, scalar_mul<GroupA, ScalarB>() where GroupA and ScalarB have different orders, will abort with a “not implemented” error.

Invoking operation functions with user-defined types should also abort with a “not implemented” error.
For example, zero<std::option::Option<u64>>() will abort.

Implementation of BLS12-381 structures

To support a wide-enough variety of BLS12-381 operations using the aptos_std::crypto_algebra API,
we implement several marker types for the relevant groups of order r (for G1, G2 and Gt) and fields (e.g., Fr, Fq12).

We also implement marker types for popular serialization formats and hash-to-group suites.

Below, we describe all possible marker types we could implement for BLS12-381
and mark the ones that we actually implement as "implemented".
These, we believe, should be sufficient to support most BLS12-381 applications.


The finite field $F_q$ used in BLS12-381 curves with a prime order $q$ equal to


A serialization format for Fq elements,
where an element is represented by a byte array b[] of size 48 with the least significant byte (LSB) coming first.


A serialization format for Fq elements,
where an element is represented by a byte array b[] of size 48 with the most significant byte (MSB) coming first.


The finite field $F_{q^2}$ used in BLS12-381 curves,
which is an extension field of Fq, constructed as $F_{q^2}=F_q[u]/(u^2+1)$.


A serialization format for Fq2 elements,
where an element in the form $(c_0+c_1\cdot u)$ is represented by a byte array b[] of size 96,
which is a concatenation of its coefficients serialized, with the least significant coefficient (LSC) coming first:

  • b[0..48] is $c_0$ serialized using FormatFqLsb.
  • b[48..96] is $c_1$ serialized using FormatFqLsb.


A serialization format for Fq2 elements,
where an element in the form $(c_0+c_1\cdot u)$ is represented by a byte array b[] of size 96,
which is a concatenation of its coefficients serialized, with the most significant coefficient (MSC) coming first:

  • b[0..48] is $c_1$ serialized using FormatFqLsb.
  • b[48..96] is $c_0$ serialized using FormatFqLsb.


The finite field $F_{q^6}$ used in BLS12-381 curves,
which is an extension field of Fq2, constructed as $F_{q^6}=F_{q^2}[v]/(v^3-u-1)$.


A serialization scheme for Fq6 elements,
where an element in the form $(c_0+c_1\cdot v+c_2\cdot v^2)$ is represented by a byte array b[] of size 288,
which is a concatenation of its coefficients serialized, with the least significant coefficient (LSC) coming first:

  • b[0..96] is $c_0$ serialized using FormatFq2LscLsb.
  • b[96..192] is $c_1$ serialized using FormatFq2LscLsb.
  • b[192..288] is $c_2$ serialized using FormatFq2LscLsb.

Fq12 (implemented)

The finite field $F_{q^12}$ used in BLS12-381 curves,
which is an extension field of Fq6, constructed as $F_{q^12}=F_{q^6}[w]/(w^2-v)$.

FormatFq12LscLsb (implemented)

A serialization scheme for Fq12 elements,
where an element $(c_0+c_1\cdot w)$ is represented by a byte array b[] of size 576,
which is a concatenation of its coefficients serialized, with the least significant coefficient (LSC) coming first.

  • b[0..288] is $c_0$ serialized using FormatFq6LscLsb.
  • b[288..576] is $c_1$ serialized using FormatFq6LscLsb.

NOTE: other implementation(s) using this format: ark-bls12-381-0.4.0.


A group constructed by the points on the BLS12-381 curve $E(F_q): y^2=x^3+4$ and the point at infinity,
under the elliptic curve point addition.
It contains the prime-order subgroup $G_1$ used in pairing.

G1 (implemented)

The group $G_1$ in BLS12-381-based pairing $G_1 \times G_2 \rightarrow G_t$.
It is a subgroup of G1Full with a prime order $r$
equal to 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001.
(so Fr is the associated scalar field).

FormatG1Uncompr (implemented)

A serialization scheme for G1 elements derived from

Below is the serialization procedure that takes a G1 element p and outputs a byte array of size 96.

  1. Let (x,y) be the coordinates of p if p is on the curve, or (0,0) otherwise.
  2. Serialize x and y into b_x[] and b_y[] respectively using FormatFqMsb.
  3. Concatenate b_x[] and b_y[] into b[].
  4. If p is the point at infinity, set the infinity bit: b[0]: = b[0] | 0x40.
  5. Return b[].

Below is the deserialization procedure that takes a byte array b[] and outputs either a G1 element or none.

  1. If the size of b[] is not 96, return none.
  2. Compute the compression flag as b[0] & 0x80 != 0.
  3. If the compression flag is true, return none.
  4. Compute the infinity flag as b[0] & 0x40 != 0.
  5. If the infinity flag is set, return the point at infinity.
  6. Deserialize [b[0] & 0x1f, b[1], ..., b[47]] to x using FormatFqMsb. If x is none, return none.
  7. Deserialize [b[48], ..., b[95]] to y using FormatFqMsb. If y is none, return none.
  8. Check if (x,y) is on curve E. If not, return none.
  9. Check if (x,y) is in the subgroup of order r. If not, return none.
  10. Return (x,y).

NOTE: other implementation(s) using this format: ark-bls12-381-0.4.0.

FormatG1Compr (implemented)

A serialization scheme for G1 elements derived from

Below is the serialization procedure that takes a G1 element p and outputs a byte array of size 48.

  1. Let (x,y) be the coordinates of p if p is on the curve, or (0,0) otherwise.
  2. Serialize x into b[] using FormatFqMsb.
  3. Set the compression bit: b[0] := b[0] | 0x80.
  4. If p is the point at infinity, set the infinity bit: b[0]: = b[0] | 0x40.
  5. If y > -y, set the lexicographical flag: b[0] := b[0] | 0x20.
  6. Return b[].

Below is the deserialization procedure that takes a byte array b[] and outputs either a G1 element or none.

  1. If the size of b[] is not 48, return none.
  2. Compute the compression flag as b[0] & 0x80 != 0.
  3. If the compression flag is false, return none.
  4. Compute the infinity flag as b[0] & 0x40 != 0.
  5. If the infinity flag is set, return the point at infinity.
  6. Compute the lexicographical flag as b[0] & 0x20 != 0.
  7. Deserialize [b[0] & 0x1f, b[1], ..., b[47]] to x using FormatFqMsb. If x is none, return none.
  8. Solve the curve equation with x for y. If no such y exists, return none.
  9. Let y' be max(y,-y) if the lexicographical flag is set, or min(y,-y) otherwise.
  10. Check if (x,y') is in the subgroup of order r. If not, return none.
  11. Return (x,y').

NOTE: other implementation(s) using this format: ark-bls12-381-0.4.0.


A group constructed by the points on a curve $E'(F_{q^2}): y^2=x^3+4(u+1)$ and the point at infinity,
under the elliptic curve point addition.
It contains the prime-order subgroup $G_2$ used in pairing.

G2 (implemented)

The group $G_2$ in BLS12-381-based pairing $G_1 \times G_2 \rightarrow G_t$.
It is a subgroup of G2Full with a prime order $r$ equal to
(so Fr is the scalar field).

FormatG2Uncompr (implemented)

A serialization scheme for G2 elements derived from

Below is the serialization procedure that takes a G2 element p and outputs a byte array of size 192.

  1. Let (x,y) be the coordinates of p if p is on the curve, or (0,0) otherwise.
  2. Serialize x and y into b_x[] and b_y[] respectively using FormatFq2MscMsb.
  3. Concatenate b_x[] and b_y[] into b[].
  4. If p is the point at infinity, set the infinity bit in b[]: b[0]: = b[0] | 0x40.
  5. Return b[].

Below is the deserialization procedure that takes a byte array b[] and outputs either a G2 element or none.

  1. If the size of b[] is not 192, return none.
  2. Compute the compression flag as b[0] & 0x80 != 0.
  3. If the compression flag is true, return none.
  4. Compute the infinity flag as b[0] & 0x40 != 0.
  5. If the infinity flag is set, return the point at infinity.
  6. Deserialize [b[0] & 0x1f, ..., b[95]] to x using FormatFq2MscMsb. If x is none, return none.
  7. Deserialize [b[96], ..., b[191]] to y using FormatFq2MscMsb. If y is none, return none.
  8. Check if (x,y) is on the curve E'. If not, return none.
  9. Check if (x,y) is in the subgroup of order r. If not, return none.
  10. Return (x,y).

NOTE: other implementation(s) using this format: ark-bls12-381-0.4.0.

FormatG2Compr (implemented)

A serialization scheme for G2 elements derived from

Below is the serialization procedure that takes a G2 element p and outputs a byte array of size 96.

  1. Let (x,y) be the coordinates of p if p is on the curve, or (0,0) otherwise.
  2. Serialize x into b[] using FormatFq2MscMsb.
  3. Set the compression bit: b[0] := b[0] | 0x80.
  4. If p is the point at infinity, set the infinity bit: b[0]: = b[0] | 0x40.
  5. If y > -y, set the lexicographical flag: b[0] := b[0] | 0x20.
  6. Return b[].

Below is the deserialization procedure that takes a byte array b[] and outputs either a G2 element or none.

  1. If the size of b[] is not 96, return none.
  2. Compute the compression flag as b[0] & 0x80 != 0.
  3. If the compression flag is false, return none.
  4. Compute the infinity flag as b[0] & 0x40 != 0.
  5. If the infinity flag is set, return the point at infinity.
  6. Compute the lexicographical flag as b[0] & 0x20 != 0.
  7. Deserialize [b[0] & 0x1f, b[1], ..., b[95]] to x using FormatFq2MscMsb. If x is none, return none.
  8. Solve the curve equation with x for y. If no such y exists, return none.
  9. Let y' be max(y,-y) if the lexicographical flag is set, or min(y,-y) otherwise.
  10. Check if (x,y') is in the subgroup of order r. If not, return none.
  11. Return (x,y').

NOTE: other implementation(s) using this format: ark-bls12-381-0.4.0.

Gt (implemented)

The group $G_t$ in BLS12-381-based pairing $G_1 \times G_2 \rightarrow G_t$.
It is a multiplicative subgroup of Fq12,
with a prime order $r$ equal to 0x73eda753299d7d483339d80809a1d80553bda402fffe5bfeffffffff00000001.
(so Fr is the scalar field).
The identity of Gt is 1.

FormatGt (implemented)

A serialization scheme for Gt elements.

To serialize, it treats a Gt element p as an Fq12 element and serialize it using FormatFq12LscLsb.

To deserialize, it uses FormatFq12LscLsb to try deserializing to an Fq12 element then test the membership in Gt.

NOTE: other implementation(s) using this format: ark-bls12-381-0.4.0.

Fr (implemented)

The finite field $F_r$ that can be used as the scalar fields
associated with the groups $G_1$, $G_2$, $G_t$ in BLS12-381-based pairing.

FormatFrLsb (implemented)

A serialization format for Fr elements,
where an element is represented by a byte array b[] of size 32 with the least significant byte (LSB) coming first.

NOTE: other implementation(s) using this format: ark-bls12-381-0.4.0, blst-0.3.7.

FormatFrMsb (implemented)

A serialization scheme for Fr elements,
where an element is represented by a byte array b[] of size 32 with the most significant byte (MSB) coming first.

NOTE: other implementation(s) using this format: ark-bls12-381-0.4.0, blst-0.3.7.

HashG1XmdSha256SswuRo (implemented)

The hash-to-curve suite BLS12381G1_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_ that hashes a byte array into G1 elements.
Full specification is defined in

HashG2XmdSha256SswuRo (implemented)

The hash-to-curve suite BLS12381G2_XMD:SHA-256_SSWU_RO_ that hashes a byte array into G2 elements.
Full specification is defined in

Reference Implementation

Risks and Drawbacks

Developing cryptographic schemes, whether in Move or in any other language, is very difficult due to the inherent mathematic complexity of such schemes, as well as the difficulty of using cryptographic libraries securely.

As a result, we caution Move application developers that
implementing cryptographic schemes using crypto_algebra.move and/or the bls12381_algebra.move modules will be error prone and could result in vulnerable applications.

That being said, the crypto_algebra.move and the bls12381_algebra.move Move modules have been designed with safety in mind.
First, we offer a minimal, hard-to-misuse abstraction for algebraic structures like groups and fields.
Second, our Move modules are type safe (e.g., inversion in a group G returns an Option).
Third, our BLS12-381 implementation always performs prime-order subgroup checks when deserializing group elements, to avoid serious implementation bugs.

Future Potential

The crypto_algebra.move Move module can be extended to support more structures (e.g., new elliptic curves) and operations (e.g., batch inversion of field elements), This will:

  1. Allow porting existing generic cryptosystems built on top of this module to new, potentially-faster-or-smaller curves.
  2. Allow building more complicated cryptographic applications that leverage new operations or new algebraic structures (e.g., rings, hidden-order groups, etc.)

Once the Move language is upgraded with support for some kind of interfaces,
it can be use to rewrite the Move side specifications to ensure type safety at compile time.

Suggested implementation timeline

The change should be available on devnet in April 2023.

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ghost commented Apr 7, 2023

Oh no...

//                                                     : 20000
//                                                  : 2000
//                                                : 2000
//     instr.call_generic.base                                             : 20000
//     instr.call_generic.per_ty_arg                                       : 2000
//     instr.call_generic.per_arg                                          : 2000
//     instr.call_generic.per_local                                        : 2000

That sounds gas heavy, I wont use this until it able to inline on any function.
too much calls and Option are using vector call.

    struct Option<Element> has copy, drop, store {
        vec: vector<Element>
//     instr.vec_len.base                                                  : 4400
//     instr.vec_imm_borrow.base                                           : 6600
//     instr.vec_mut_borrow.base                                           : 6600
//     instr.vec_push_back.base                                            : 7600
//     instr.vec_pop_back.base                                             : 5200
//     instr.vec_swap.base                                                 : 6000
//     instr.vec_pack.base                                                 : 12000
//     instr.vec_pack.per_elem                                             : 800
//     instr.vec_unpack.base                                               : 10000
//     instr.vec_unpack.per_expected_elem                                  : 800

if you could native function these thing, and make sure low execution gas fee, I could may use these.

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Contributor Author

zjma commented Apr 7, 2023


In general, cryptographic operations are computationally expensive. E.g. the overhead of a bls12381 pairing is currently equivalent to ~300,000,000 units of internal gas (the unit of measurement your numbers are using). I don't think the intrinsic move costs you listed above will be your biggest concern (if by "inline" you mean to define functions like bls12381_pairing() instead of pairing<G1,G2,Gt>(), then inlining won't save a lot).

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Contributor Author

zjma commented Apr 7, 2023

I agree that a special discount for the gas cost will make those cryptographic operations in stdlib more useful, if needed.

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alinush commented Apr 12, 2023

@e99243506bigplay, can you expand more on why you think this is too gas heavy?

Here's what I'm thinking:

  1. The gas cost for passing a template parameter is 2,000 which is 10% of the cost of a native function call.
    a) Most function only take 1 template argument.
    b) There are 7 functions that take 2 template args.
    c) There are 2 functions that take 3 template args.

  2. There are only 4 natives that return Option<T>'s. The rest do not.

  3. On the other hand, enabling generic elliptic curve operations has a few advantages:
    a) It's the only scalable way of implementing cryptographic primitives in Move. Specifically, if we want to support $k$ different ZKP proof system verifiers (e.g., Groth16, PLONK, Marlin, Halo2, etc.), but there are $n$ different elliptic curves that each ZKP verifier should work over (e.g., BN254, BLS12-381, BW6-768). This would require $k\cdot n$ Move native functions: one for each combination of ZKP proof system and elliptic curve. With this module, we only need the 22 (upgradable) native functions & everything else can be done in Move. Even better, developers don't have to wait for us to implement support for their favorite choice of ZKP & elliptic curve.
    b) It is easy to upgrade existing natives to support new curves.
    c) Move developers can easily switch their cryptographic code from one curve to another

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ghost commented Apr 12, 2023

@e99243506bigplay, can you expand more on why you think this is too gas heavy?

Here's what I'm thinking:

1. The gas cost for passing a template parameter is 2,000 which is 10% of the cost of a native function call.
   a) Most function only take 1 template argument.
   b) There are 7 functions that take 2 template args.
   c) There are 2 functions that take 3 template args.

2. There are only 4 natives that return `Option<T>`'s. The rest do not.

3. On the other hand, enabling generic elliptic curve operations has a few advantages:
   a) It's the only scalable way of implementing cryptographic primitives in Move. Specifically, if we want to support k different ZKP proof system verifiers (e.g., Groth16, PLONK, Marlin, Halo2, etc.), but there are n different elliptic curves that each ZKP verifier should work over (e.g., BN254, BLS12-381, BW6-768). This would require k⋅n Move native functions: one for each combination of ZKP proof system and elliptic curve. With this module, we only need the 22 (upgradable) native functions & everything else can be done in Move. Even better, developers don't have to wait for us to implement support for their favorite choice of ZKP & elliptic curve.
   b) It is easy to upgrade existing natives to support new curves.
   c) Move developers can easily switch their cryptographic code from one curve to another

I don't get you, and I dont good at mathematic. if every operation like (add mul div sub pow sqrt) has be to call a function to done it, the sum of equation won't result at least 4x than inlined version of gas fee?
And don't tell me inlined move function, at current state, inlined move function just acts like... well, let me code a example for you:

module me::test3 {
    /// Returns a * b / c going through u128 to prevent intermediate overflow
    public inline fun mul_div(a: u128, b: u128, c: u128): u128 {
        (((a as u256) * (b as u256) / (c as u256)) as u128)
    public fun main(a: u128, b: u128, c: u128): u128 {
        mul_div(a, b, c) + mul_div(a, b, c) / mul_div(a, b, c) * mul_div(a, b, c)


// Move bytecode v6
module 0.test3 {

public main(Arg0: u128, Arg1: u128, Arg2: u128): u128 {
L0:	loc3: u128
L1:	loc4: u128
L2:	loc5: u128
L3:	loc6: u128
L4:	loc7: u128
L5:	loc8: u128
L6:	loc9: u128
L7:	loc10: u128
L8:	loc11: u128
	0: CopyLoc[0](Arg0: u128)
	1: CopyLoc[1](Arg1: u128)
	2: CopyLoc[2](Arg2: u128)
	3: StLoc[11](loc8: u128)
	4: StLoc[7](loc4: u128)
	5: StLoc[3](loc0: u128)
	6: CopyLoc[0](Arg0: u128)
	7: CopyLoc[1](Arg1: u128)
	8: CopyLoc[2](Arg2: u128)
	9: StLoc[12](loc9: u128)
	10: StLoc[8](loc5: u128)
	11: StLoc[4](loc1: u128)
	12: CopyLoc[0](Arg0: u128)
	13: CopyLoc[1](Arg1: u128)
	14: CopyLoc[2](Arg2: u128)
	15: StLoc[13](loc10: u128)
	16: StLoc[9](loc6: u128)
	17: StLoc[5](loc2: u128)
	18: MoveLoc[0](Arg0: u128)
	19: MoveLoc[1](Arg1: u128)
	20: MoveLoc[2](Arg2: u128)
	21: StLoc[14](loc11: u128)
	22: StLoc[10](loc7: u128)
	23: StLoc[6](loc3: u128)
	24: MoveLoc[3](loc0: u128)
	25: CastU256
	26: MoveLoc[7](loc4: u128)
	27: CastU256
	28: Mul
	29: MoveLoc[11](loc8: u128)
	30: CastU256
	31: Div
	32: CastU128
	33: MoveLoc[4](loc1: u128)
	34: CastU256
	35: MoveLoc[8](loc5: u128)
	36: CastU256
	37: Mul
	38: MoveLoc[12](loc9: u128)
	39: CastU256
	40: Div
	41: CastU128
	42: MoveLoc[5](loc2: u128)
	43: CastU256
	44: MoveLoc[9](loc6: u128)
	45: CastU256
	46: Mul
	47: MoveLoc[13](loc10: u128)
	48: CastU256
	49: Div
	50: CastU128
	51: Div
	52: MoveLoc[6](loc3: u128)
	53: CastU256
	54: MoveLoc[10](loc7: u128)
	55: CastU256
	56: Mul
	57: MoveLoc[14](loc11: u128)
	58: CastU256
	59: Div
	60: CastU128
	61: Mul
	62: Add
	63: Ret

Did you see line of 0 to 23 that not necessary instruction? That is the inlined move function looks like.

//     instr.copy_loc.base                                                 : 1600
//     instr.copy_loc.per_abs_val_unit                                     : 80
//     instr.move_loc.base                                                 : 2400
//     instr.st_loc.base                                                   : 2400

Personally I like to do same thing without not necessary instructions and functions to result submitted transaction with less gas fee.

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alinush commented Apr 12, 2023

I am not sure I fully follow your concerns.

If you are trying to say that there is gas overhead involved in calling a native function, yes, there is.

Unfortunately, there is no other easier way for us to implement complex cryptographic operations.

It seems like you are proposing to implement these operations directly as Move bytecode. That too would be very expensive & very complex to implement.

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ghost commented Apr 12, 2023

I am not sure I fully follow your concerns.

If you are trying to say that there is gas overhead involved in calling a native function, yes, there is.

Unfortunately, there is no other easier way for us to implement complex cryptographic operations.

It seems like you are proposing to implement these operations directly as Move bytecode. That too would be very expensive & very complex to implement.

eh, no, don't implement stuff in Move bytecode, I wish there is WASM so I could implement some native function on WASM, then share value to MoveVM.
Just give special gas discount of these function then I think will be good. by that, so calling add function just cost gas are same like instruction of add.

@zjma zjma changed the title [AIP-20][Discussion] Generic Operations of Algebraic Structures + BLS12-381 implementation [AIP-20][Discussion] Generic Cryptography Algebra and BLS12-381 Implementation Apr 13, 2023
@thepomeranian thepomeranian added this to the aptos-node-v1.5.0 milestone Jul 6, 2023
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